jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010
miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010
A LAS 3:00 PM
INFORMACION: 787 761-5625- 787 593-9917- 787 50-4180
Eres el cielo
el polvo de la estrella
de la tierra
el mito y la leyenda
de la playa,
la brisa de la vida
el corazón de mis pensamientos,
el alma
de mis sentimientos
el alba
de mis extremidades
las partes melosas
que sonríen al abrazar.
Eres la luz
que no tapan las cortinas.
Eres el sol
con sus estrategias.
Eres del mar
la isla donde me gustaría
Eres de este idioma
lo único que entiendo.
Tu pelo es la paz que ondea
la guerra que pide una pausa
la parte donde acaba tu rostro
y empieza la seda.
Tu boca es el articulo de mi primera necesidad,
el pozo que de de beber con tus besos,
el arma que me ayuda a comprender la vida.
Tus ojos son dos estrellas fugaces
que sonríen.
martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010
Si es cierto que me amas, no pongas en mis manos
el pez que otros pescaron a fuerza de remar,
No quiero ser tu esclavo, prefiero ser tu hermano.
Levántate, camina, enséñame a pescar.
Si es cierto que me amas, no cubras mis harapos
con telas que otras manos tejieron y es mejor
que sienta yo el orgullo de ver sobre mis hombros,
el paño que mis manos hicieron con amor.
Si es cierto que me amas, no pongas en mis manos
el pan que otros ganaron, y te pido por favor...
invítame a los campos, entrégame un arado.
El pan es más sabroso mezclado con sudor.
Si es cierto que me amas, no trates de narrarme
la historia de otros hombres, difícil de entender.
Despiértame a la vida, tu puedes levantarme,
invítame a la escuela, enséñame a leer.
Si es cierto que me amas y sientes en el alma
la paz y la esperanza que ha puesto en mi tu Dios,
ayúdame a ser bueno, yo anhelo tener calma.
Enséñame la senda del bien y del mal.
Si es cierto que me amas, estréchame la mano,
enfréntame a la vida, anímate a luchar,
ayúdame a ser libre, yo quiero ser tu hermano
que amor no es sentir lástima, amar es enseñar.
el pez que otros pescaron a fuerza de remar,
No quiero ser tu esclavo, prefiero ser tu hermano.
Levántate, camina, enséñame a pescar.
Si es cierto que me amas, no cubras mis harapos
con telas que otras manos tejieron y es mejor
que sienta yo el orgullo de ver sobre mis hombros,
el paño que mis manos hicieron con amor.
Si es cierto que me amas, no pongas en mis manos
el pan que otros ganaron, y te pido por favor...
invítame a los campos, entrégame un arado.
El pan es más sabroso mezclado con sudor.
Si es cierto que me amas, no trates de narrarme
la historia de otros hombres, difícil de entender.
Despiértame a la vida, tu puedes levantarme,
invítame a la escuela, enséñame a leer.
Si es cierto que me amas y sientes en el alma
la paz y la esperanza que ha puesto en mi tu Dios,
ayúdame a ser bueno, yo anhelo tener calma.
Enséñame la senda del bien y del mal.
Si es cierto que me amas, estréchame la mano,
enfréntame a la vida, anímate a luchar,
ayúdame a ser libre, yo quiero ser tu hermano
que amor no es sentir lástima, amar es enseñar.
domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010
La Sexualidad tiene una connotación de interés muy fuerte en las personas, puesto que es uno de los espacios de placer más deseado. Pero es uno de los temas más difíciles y complejos de abordar, es incluso un aspecto que fue considerado por los siglos de los siglos como pecado. Y todavía esa mentalidad suele lesionar gravemente a la gente. Es un tema muy natural y por fortuna estamos en una era donde hablarlo, puede representar un inicio para sanar esa área de la vida en algunos casos sanar y en otros descubrir la sexualidad personal.
No pretendo escribir aquí la última palabra en sexualidad, pero si compartir elementos naturales de la sinfonía del universo, astros y estrellas que nos ayudan a mejorar la comprensiónnen este campo vital, natural y necesario de la vida. Pues la ufanación de no necesitar de la sexualidad. es realmente el enmascaramiento de grave bloqueo en su Casa 8. Y quienes presentan dificultades para expresar una sana y placentera sexualidad, su interes por mejorar puede llegar a ser premiado con un análisis detallado de su Casa 8, con la comprensión holística de su Carta Natal.
La fase primaria de la sexualidad es el instinto. ¿Y qué es el instinto? El instinto es en sí una necesidad personal. Las primeras casas hasta la Casa 6 están íntimamente ligadas a esas necesidades personales e instintivas. Son casas donde se busca mas afirmar el “Yo”. Más cuando se llega a la Casa 7, el “Ello” pasa a ser un factor ineludible. Es decir que de ahí en adelante, además de pensar en las necesidades personales, es fundamental pensar también en las necesidades del otro. de la Casa 7 en adelante se nos abre la oportunidad de aprender que nos somos el ombligo del mundo. Que no hay que esperar que el mundo gire siempre a nuestro alrededor, sino buscar en el ritmo de la gran sinfonía universal. Y la pareja (Casa7) es ese sublime compañero (a) para trenzar esa melodía sublime.
El instinto de cada ser humano si excepción alguna, una vez identifica que tiene una necesidad, busca el algo para cubrir ese necesidad. Una vez encuentra ese algo, utiliza para con él satisfacer su necesidad y así suprimirla.
Como vemos se entiende que el instinto incita solo a lo personal, como comer, abrigarse para no pasr frío, protegerse para no ser dañado, jugar para no aburrirse, trabajar para sobrevivir, etc. Pero la sexualidad de la Casa 8 va mucho más allá del instinto, muy por encima de solo satisfacer unas reacciones biológicas de placer de los organos genitales.
La Casa 7 conlleva a pensar en el otro involucrando un sentimiento, pero la Casa 8, conlleva a sentir también el otro. Millones y millones de personas en este planeta no han logrado superar sus instintos personales, los que conllevan desde la Casa 1 hasta la 6. Y por ello se les dificulta vivir una plena satisfacción de la sexualidad Casa 8. Para expresarlo poeticamente, cito las palabras de Ricardo Arjona. (Cantautor de Guatemala), cuando en una de sus cmposiciones acuño la frase: " he hecho el sexo mil veces, pero nunca he echo el amor".
La sexualidad va muchos años luz mas allá, que la mera manipulación instintiva (egoísta de unso organos genitales. Escorpión signo de aguas profundas (sentimientos profundos) nos muestra el camino, indicando que la sexualidad involucra sentimientos entrañables de amor. El amor es el sentimiento clave y esencial para elevar el espíritu.
Se puede entonces definir la sexualidad como todo un acumulado de condiciones que involucra a toda la movilización del ser integral en cada uno de los miembros de la pareja:
Condiciones activas (Fuego), condiciones anatómico-fisiologicas (Tierra) condiciones mentales (Aire), condiciones sensibles (Agua) así como condiciones de elevación espiritual (Éter). Esas son las características que se manifiestan en cada sesión sexual de una pareja. Porque hay que recordar y aclarar el orden de universo: "Como es arriba es abajo" La Casa 8 es un sector en el cual se habla de dos, como consecuencia natural del trabajo pleno de la Casa 7 y precedentes.
Sexualidad solo se puede lograr con quien se ha cultivado la Casa 7. Porque la única manera de desarrollar la Casa 7 es con otra persona. Y es ahí justo donde se exalta Saturno (Crono) el mitológico dios tiempo y de la estructuras. De la misma manera es vital trabajar las estructuras de una relación de pareja, y esto no se logra de la noche a la mañana, esto se logra con DOVOCIÓN AL OTRO, TIEMPO Y PACIENCIA.
La Sexualidad es un divino y excelso momento donde dos seres de concentran en un profundo amor, tras el acto posterior de trascender sus diferencias en Casa 7. Se sumergen en el lecho del rio de la Casa 8, donde se dedoblan su alma y junto con su cuerpo s fusionan de la manera más sublime en un solo ser por ello la sexualidad es energía transformadora entrañada en es Casa 8.
En el reino animal, es totalmente normal ver el sexo instintivo: Un gallo se aparea con cientos de gallinas caderonas. Un toro se insemina cientos de robustas vacas. Un cerdo con cientos de gorditas cerditas, etc. Esta es una fuerte tendencia que aun le ha dificultado borrar a muchos seres humanos. Es un hábito y recuerdo díficil de borrar para luego brillar. Pues todavía hay millones que práctican ese sexo instintivo y anima, que no sobrepasa de las primeras Casas astrológicas.
La sexualidad será un lenguaje extraño para ellos y les tocará y venir, dando tumbos, en el viciosos circulo instintivo y primario desde la Casa 1 a la Casa 6. Entonces solo quedará conformarse con un secundario premio de consolación. Él manipular sus genitales (masturbación) con las manos hermafroditas de Mercurio y de su casa 3 o de consolarse con los juguetes de la Casa 5 o las multiples amantes de esa Casa del entretenimiento. O comprar los fríos "servicios sexuales de la Casa 6. o volverse millonario, para comprar el sexo Casa 2 de las o los que se arriman a un (a) magnate por la míseras migajas de su dinero.
Oh... ¿Cómo se le puede llamar sexualidad a aquella actitud egísta y machista (Casa 1) que practican millones de señores, donde creen que sexualidad es el acto primario y animal de eyacular instintivamente, sin percatarse o atender la satisfacción sexual de su frustrada pareja? Evoco con esto las palabras de Erich From: "Cuando la parálisis de la masculinidad es más intensa, el sadismo (uso de la fuerza) se convierte en el principal (y perverso) sustituto de la masculinidad. Si la sexualidad femenina está debilitada o pervertida, se transforma en masoquismo o posesividad"
Es por ello necesario madurar el ecuanime trabajo de la Casa 7, para poder acceder a los paraísos reservados de la Casa 8. La sexualidad de la Casa 8, solo es posible realizarla con la única persona que se cultivó la Casa 7. Lo demás es instinto. Y el instinto es una satisfacción primaria y egoísta de unas necesidades de origen animal, que son recordadas y accionadas desde el sistema límbico del cerebro.
Todas las personas hombres y mujeres tienen un Marte (masculino) y una Venus (femenina) en su Carta Natal. Marte exaltado en Escorpión y Casa 8 es sexualidad y la venus domiciliada en casa 7 es sensualidad. Cada persona debe de expresar la delicadeza y dulzura de su Venus y la sólida fuerza direccionada y bien canalidad de Marte. Lograr un buen equilibrio en estos principios garantiza la derrota del hastío, el disgusto y la monotonía sexual.
La sensualidad (Venus-femenina) en el hombre o la mujer, es una energía refinada que se cultiva aprendiendo a conocer (Aire) al otro en la Casa de Libra (Casa7), Dar amor de sí mismo (Casa 1) al otro (Casa 7), abre el camino hacia las siguientes Casas natales y trascendentes, desde la Casa 8 hasta la Casa 12. Con la sensualidad se logra el desdoblamiento del alma, y se y se logra una comunicación etérica entre los dosd seres. Y así fluye del corazón la mirada mágica, la voz que endulza, la caricia justa en los puntos más explosivos y expansivos del alma (Casa 9).
En el Canal de río Casa 8, que es una vorágine concentrada de pasión, es apenas normal que esta energía sexual se sienta vibrar en su Ritmo y Elemento. Es la sexualidad un espacio donde toda la atención se concentra en el lecho profundo y majestuoso o cuerpo y alma del ser amado. Una verdadera sexualidad de la Casa 8 es un río arrollador que además de llevarte al océano infinito, de paso te eleva a las nubes, al cielo celestial & glorioso, sin remordimiento o arrepentimiento alguno, porque cuando ahí llegas... ya no quieres regresar.
El instinto sexual en sí nace con el ser humano, está en su memoria genética y en la profundidad oscura del subconsciente. El sexo desde el instinto es mecánico, repetitivo y finalmente aburrido. Porque no se tiene en cuenta la naturaleza sicológica y bilógica de sexualidad que además esta apoyada sobre una ley y plataforma natural La Polaridad Masculina-Femenina.
Es misión de desarrollar la sensualidad. El elevar el ser hacia el refinamiento que se logra con la Casa análoga al signo de Libra, y desarrollando plenamente las Casas primarias y básicas, que son las aneriores o las antesalas de la Casa 7.
Pero... ¿Cómo se hace?
Daré unos breves resumenes iniciales. Llega el amor a primera vista de Casa 1. Luego la naturaleza con los pajarillos nos enseñan algo elemental, que es asegurar, construir para tener primero que todo el nido de Casa 2 y Casa 4, porque el sexo con hambre no funciona. Además hay que abrir un clima de diálogo de Casa 3 con la pareja. Hay que brindar ternura, amparo, protección maternal, cálidez y calor de hogar de la Casa 4 a la pareja. Los dos miembros de la pareja deberán jugar su juegos mutuos de Casa 5: reír, jugar, divertirse, crear mutuamente. Así llega a la oprotunidad de Servir en la Casa 6, asumiendo y produciendo, especializandose y diferenciando roles, para finalmente conciliar las diferencias mutuas en la Casa 7.
Luego se te abren las puertas celestiales de la Casa 8, y así se experimentará por fin que es en verdad sexualidad. Porque citando las palabras de mi amigo del alma Krisnhamurti; "La sexualidad puede ser tan casta como el cielo azul despejado de nubes." Sí, es un hecho, el sexo se puede embellecer, hacéndole pleno al amor a quien amas y persiguiendo las guias maravillosas del infinito cielo estrellado.
No pretendo escribir aquí la última palabra en sexualidad, pero si compartir elementos naturales de la sinfonía del universo, astros y estrellas que nos ayudan a mejorar la comprensiónnen este campo vital, natural y necesario de la vida. Pues la ufanación de no necesitar de la sexualidad. es realmente el enmascaramiento de grave bloqueo en su Casa 8. Y quienes presentan dificultades para expresar una sana y placentera sexualidad, su interes por mejorar puede llegar a ser premiado con un análisis detallado de su Casa 8, con la comprensión holística de su Carta Natal.
La fase primaria de la sexualidad es el instinto. ¿Y qué es el instinto? El instinto es en sí una necesidad personal. Las primeras casas hasta la Casa 6 están íntimamente ligadas a esas necesidades personales e instintivas. Son casas donde se busca mas afirmar el “Yo”. Más cuando se llega a la Casa 7, el “Ello” pasa a ser un factor ineludible. Es decir que de ahí en adelante, además de pensar en las necesidades personales, es fundamental pensar también en las necesidades del otro. de la Casa 7 en adelante se nos abre la oportunidad de aprender que nos somos el ombligo del mundo. Que no hay que esperar que el mundo gire siempre a nuestro alrededor, sino buscar en el ritmo de la gran sinfonía universal. Y la pareja (Casa7) es ese sublime compañero (a) para trenzar esa melodía sublime.
El instinto de cada ser humano si excepción alguna, una vez identifica que tiene una necesidad, busca el algo para cubrir ese necesidad. Una vez encuentra ese algo, utiliza para con él satisfacer su necesidad y así suprimirla.
Como vemos se entiende que el instinto incita solo a lo personal, como comer, abrigarse para no pasr frío, protegerse para no ser dañado, jugar para no aburrirse, trabajar para sobrevivir, etc. Pero la sexualidad de la Casa 8 va mucho más allá del instinto, muy por encima de solo satisfacer unas reacciones biológicas de placer de los organos genitales.
La Casa 7 conlleva a pensar en el otro involucrando un sentimiento, pero la Casa 8, conlleva a sentir también el otro. Millones y millones de personas en este planeta no han logrado superar sus instintos personales, los que conllevan desde la Casa 1 hasta la 6. Y por ello se les dificulta vivir una plena satisfacción de la sexualidad Casa 8. Para expresarlo poeticamente, cito las palabras de Ricardo Arjona. (Cantautor de Guatemala), cuando en una de sus cmposiciones acuño la frase: " he hecho el sexo mil veces, pero nunca he echo el amor".
La sexualidad va muchos años luz mas allá, que la mera manipulación instintiva (egoísta de unso organos genitales. Escorpión signo de aguas profundas (sentimientos profundos) nos muestra el camino, indicando que la sexualidad involucra sentimientos entrañables de amor. El amor es el sentimiento clave y esencial para elevar el espíritu.
Se puede entonces definir la sexualidad como todo un acumulado de condiciones que involucra a toda la movilización del ser integral en cada uno de los miembros de la pareja:
Condiciones activas (Fuego), condiciones anatómico-fisiologicas (Tierra) condiciones mentales (Aire), condiciones sensibles (Agua) así como condiciones de elevación espiritual (Éter). Esas son las características que se manifiestan en cada sesión sexual de una pareja. Porque hay que recordar y aclarar el orden de universo: "Como es arriba es abajo" La Casa 8 es un sector en el cual se habla de dos, como consecuencia natural del trabajo pleno de la Casa 7 y precedentes.
Sexualidad solo se puede lograr con quien se ha cultivado la Casa 7. Porque la única manera de desarrollar la Casa 7 es con otra persona. Y es ahí justo donde se exalta Saturno (Crono) el mitológico dios tiempo y de la estructuras. De la misma manera es vital trabajar las estructuras de una relación de pareja, y esto no se logra de la noche a la mañana, esto se logra con DOVOCIÓN AL OTRO, TIEMPO Y PACIENCIA.
La Sexualidad es un divino y excelso momento donde dos seres de concentran en un profundo amor, tras el acto posterior de trascender sus diferencias en Casa 7. Se sumergen en el lecho del rio de la Casa 8, donde se dedoblan su alma y junto con su cuerpo s fusionan de la manera más sublime en un solo ser por ello la sexualidad es energía transformadora entrañada en es Casa 8.
En el reino animal, es totalmente normal ver el sexo instintivo: Un gallo se aparea con cientos de gallinas caderonas. Un toro se insemina cientos de robustas vacas. Un cerdo con cientos de gorditas cerditas, etc. Esta es una fuerte tendencia que aun le ha dificultado borrar a muchos seres humanos. Es un hábito y recuerdo díficil de borrar para luego brillar. Pues todavía hay millones que práctican ese sexo instintivo y anima, que no sobrepasa de las primeras Casas astrológicas.
La sexualidad será un lenguaje extraño para ellos y les tocará y venir, dando tumbos, en el viciosos circulo instintivo y primario desde la Casa 1 a la Casa 6. Entonces solo quedará conformarse con un secundario premio de consolación. Él manipular sus genitales (masturbación) con las manos hermafroditas de Mercurio y de su casa 3 o de consolarse con los juguetes de la Casa 5 o las multiples amantes de esa Casa del entretenimiento. O comprar los fríos "servicios sexuales de la Casa 6. o volverse millonario, para comprar el sexo Casa 2 de las o los que se arriman a un (a) magnate por la míseras migajas de su dinero.
Oh... ¿Cómo se le puede llamar sexualidad a aquella actitud egísta y machista (Casa 1) que practican millones de señores, donde creen que sexualidad es el acto primario y animal de eyacular instintivamente, sin percatarse o atender la satisfacción sexual de su frustrada pareja? Evoco con esto las palabras de Erich From: "Cuando la parálisis de la masculinidad es más intensa, el sadismo (uso de la fuerza) se convierte en el principal (y perverso) sustituto de la masculinidad. Si la sexualidad femenina está debilitada o pervertida, se transforma en masoquismo o posesividad"
Es por ello necesario madurar el ecuanime trabajo de la Casa 7, para poder acceder a los paraísos reservados de la Casa 8. La sexualidad de la Casa 8, solo es posible realizarla con la única persona que se cultivó la Casa 7. Lo demás es instinto. Y el instinto es una satisfacción primaria y egoísta de unas necesidades de origen animal, que son recordadas y accionadas desde el sistema límbico del cerebro.
Todas las personas hombres y mujeres tienen un Marte (masculino) y una Venus (femenina) en su Carta Natal. Marte exaltado en Escorpión y Casa 8 es sexualidad y la venus domiciliada en casa 7 es sensualidad. Cada persona debe de expresar la delicadeza y dulzura de su Venus y la sólida fuerza direccionada y bien canalidad de Marte. Lograr un buen equilibrio en estos principios garantiza la derrota del hastío, el disgusto y la monotonía sexual.
La sensualidad (Venus-femenina) en el hombre o la mujer, es una energía refinada que se cultiva aprendiendo a conocer (Aire) al otro en la Casa de Libra (Casa7), Dar amor de sí mismo (Casa 1) al otro (Casa 7), abre el camino hacia las siguientes Casas natales y trascendentes, desde la Casa 8 hasta la Casa 12. Con la sensualidad se logra el desdoblamiento del alma, y se y se logra una comunicación etérica entre los dosd seres. Y así fluye del corazón la mirada mágica, la voz que endulza, la caricia justa en los puntos más explosivos y expansivos del alma (Casa 9).
En el Canal de río Casa 8, que es una vorágine concentrada de pasión, es apenas normal que esta energía sexual se sienta vibrar en su Ritmo y Elemento. Es la sexualidad un espacio donde toda la atención se concentra en el lecho profundo y majestuoso o cuerpo y alma del ser amado. Una verdadera sexualidad de la Casa 8 es un río arrollador que además de llevarte al océano infinito, de paso te eleva a las nubes, al cielo celestial & glorioso, sin remordimiento o arrepentimiento alguno, porque cuando ahí llegas... ya no quieres regresar.
El instinto sexual en sí nace con el ser humano, está en su memoria genética y en la profundidad oscura del subconsciente. El sexo desde el instinto es mecánico, repetitivo y finalmente aburrido. Porque no se tiene en cuenta la naturaleza sicológica y bilógica de sexualidad que además esta apoyada sobre una ley y plataforma natural La Polaridad Masculina-Femenina.
Es misión de desarrollar la sensualidad. El elevar el ser hacia el refinamiento que se logra con la Casa análoga al signo de Libra, y desarrollando plenamente las Casas primarias y básicas, que son las aneriores o las antesalas de la Casa 7.
Pero... ¿Cómo se hace?
Daré unos breves resumenes iniciales. Llega el amor a primera vista de Casa 1. Luego la naturaleza con los pajarillos nos enseñan algo elemental, que es asegurar, construir para tener primero que todo el nido de Casa 2 y Casa 4, porque el sexo con hambre no funciona. Además hay que abrir un clima de diálogo de Casa 3 con la pareja. Hay que brindar ternura, amparo, protección maternal, cálidez y calor de hogar de la Casa 4 a la pareja. Los dos miembros de la pareja deberán jugar su juegos mutuos de Casa 5: reír, jugar, divertirse, crear mutuamente. Así llega a la oprotunidad de Servir en la Casa 6, asumiendo y produciendo, especializandose y diferenciando roles, para finalmente conciliar las diferencias mutuas en la Casa 7.
Luego se te abren las puertas celestiales de la Casa 8, y así se experimentará por fin que es en verdad sexualidad. Porque citando las palabras de mi amigo del alma Krisnhamurti; "La sexualidad puede ser tan casta como el cielo azul despejado de nubes." Sí, es un hecho, el sexo se puede embellecer, hacéndole pleno al amor a quien amas y persiguiendo las guias maravillosas del infinito cielo estrellado.
It is understood that retrograde planets indicate the challenges of life or even highlights for success and growth, depending upon their placement and association. There are diametrically opposite viewpoints regarding the results of retrograde planets in different texts. How they will behave is debatable, and one needs to learn with experience.
However, I agree with you, and experience shows that retrogrades indicate a need to revisit the past. Though it is a difficult to fathom that one soul needs to have multiple revisits having all retrogrades, another one does not have to look back. And it is not that the latter one is not facing challenges. Anyhow, that is besides the point under discussion.
Besides the ‘unfulfilled desires’, the DRIDH PRARABDAHA signified by a retrograde could be the karm phala of a past action. These phalas could be moare specifically related to diseases and sufferings, than a happy and peaceful life, which direct planets give anyways. Our Puranas, often condemned as stories or exaggerated treatises, have deliberately laid stress and given detailed descriptions, with examples, of the Karmas and their consequences. It may not be just a shrewd psychology and insight being put to a practical use.
Till the soul attains self-realisation and gains absolute knowledge, there is a constant ebb and flow, till a final divinisation of the individual happens. Until this state is attained the human being swings between the sublime and the bathos. His two different aspects react to the external stimuli in their own distinctive manners to take the soul forward. There is a tug-of-war between the animal and human natures to gain precedence and dominate over the field of jiva-consciousness and hence the different good and bad karmas. In this context, Puranas (specially Garuda Purana) have quoted specific “Phalas” of sinful actions and crimes, which result in specific diseases in the next birth.
This could be one of the reasons why retrogrades associate with diseases. As per puranas, most of the bad actions lead to bodily suffering, by which man learns, it seems. E.g, one who plugs up or blocks up the hole of a rat or a snake, who catches fish and causes them to die by suffocation, who stifles the life of any creature, gets asthma, lung diseases, pleurisy, bronchitis (severe), pneumonia, etc. That might be a retrograde Saturn in Cancer?
However, I agree with you, and experience shows that retrogrades indicate a need to revisit the past. Though it is a difficult to fathom that one soul needs to have multiple revisits having all retrogrades, another one does not have to look back. And it is not that the latter one is not facing challenges. Anyhow, that is besides the point under discussion.
Besides the ‘unfulfilled desires’, the DRIDH PRARABDAHA signified by a retrograde could be the karm phala of a past action. These phalas could be moare specifically related to diseases and sufferings, than a happy and peaceful life, which direct planets give anyways. Our Puranas, often condemned as stories or exaggerated treatises, have deliberately laid stress and given detailed descriptions, with examples, of the Karmas and their consequences. It may not be just a shrewd psychology and insight being put to a practical use.
Till the soul attains self-realisation and gains absolute knowledge, there is a constant ebb and flow, till a final divinisation of the individual happens. Until this state is attained the human being swings between the sublime and the bathos. His two different aspects react to the external stimuli in their own distinctive manners to take the soul forward. There is a tug-of-war between the animal and human natures to gain precedence and dominate over the field of jiva-consciousness and hence the different good and bad karmas. In this context, Puranas (specially Garuda Purana) have quoted specific “Phalas” of sinful actions and crimes, which result in specific diseases in the next birth.
This could be one of the reasons why retrogrades associate with diseases. As per puranas, most of the bad actions lead to bodily suffering, by which man learns, it seems. E.g, one who plugs up or blocks up the hole of a rat or a snake, who catches fish and causes them to die by suffocation, who stifles the life of any creature, gets asthma, lung diseases, pleurisy, bronchitis (severe), pneumonia, etc. That might be a retrograde Saturn in Cancer?
Astrology, the endless enigma! Pondering over it, one has to accept, albeit reluctantly, that much of the forecasting comes from serendipitous uttering or muttering of an astrologer, rather than his prudence and consistent display of great astrological acumen. But then, are astrologers supposed to be know-alls? Are they really? Even those who aren’t dilettantes, are they supposed to offer insights into everything?
Astrology may be a language, and not a belief, but where does one learn the syntax, the semantics and the pragmatics from? How do we remove the dead scales of time from the scriptures and classics to find the traces, if any, of gasping life! With the changing social paradigms, can the tattered scriptures of provide a framework upon which we may hang our lives? What is the best way to learn astrology to make it applicable and replicable?
Astrology is said to rest on astronomy. Astronomy, as a science, was it in a better condition at the time of Aryabatta and Varahmihira, than today? The calculations which were then framed, or were in use then, were suited to the time. Owing probably to the wear and tear of the machinery of the Solar system, the tables or calculations of that age not suited to our age. But why are we incapable of creating fresh frameworks, with much so much scientific advancements?
Is it because of the missing mechanism to explain its working, or the apparent missing link between the cosmos and humans. Is astrology mystical! or magical! or magnetic! Or is it just an astronomical or celestial interference on the planet which we fail to understand with assurance and conviction? Are we taking this celestial interference too seriously?
Is astrology some form of unified field theory, planetary activity being sum total of a number of forces, some good and some evil, with man’s karma leading him into the one force or the other. But there are also some other forces, by knowledge of which, man may benefit himself, though they may not be his lot to be drawn into, by his past karma. This is the job assigned to free will, so the planets may not just act like mere jailors and rewarding officers.
Why would Varahmihira, in Brihat Jataka talk about Nisheka (conception), and advise the native to avail himself of particular planetary positions if he desired an excellent issue? We are told else where that Parasara, after finding such an hour for Nisheka, approached and joined a boat-man’s daughter in an island on the Yamuna and the issue born was the great Vedavyasa. Is Muhurta the key to accelerate our freewill then?
Are we, in a way being told that prevention is better than cure, i.e., to use good muhurta for activities like travel (includes flights), to avoid disasters! But can we choose the Muhurta always?
Too many questions! And we have no answers! That is why perhaps, world is forced to look askance at astrology!
Astrology may be a language, and not a belief, but where does one learn the syntax, the semantics and the pragmatics from? How do we remove the dead scales of time from the scriptures and classics to find the traces, if any, of gasping life! With the changing social paradigms, can the tattered scriptures of provide a framework upon which we may hang our lives? What is the best way to learn astrology to make it applicable and replicable?
Astrology is said to rest on astronomy. Astronomy, as a science, was it in a better condition at the time of Aryabatta and Varahmihira, than today? The calculations which were then framed, or were in use then, were suited to the time. Owing probably to the wear and tear of the machinery of the Solar system, the tables or calculations of that age not suited to our age. But why are we incapable of creating fresh frameworks, with much so much scientific advancements?
Is it because of the missing mechanism to explain its working, or the apparent missing link between the cosmos and humans. Is astrology mystical! or magical! or magnetic! Or is it just an astronomical or celestial interference on the planet which we fail to understand with assurance and conviction? Are we taking this celestial interference too seriously?
Is astrology some form of unified field theory, planetary activity being sum total of a number of forces, some good and some evil, with man’s karma leading him into the one force or the other. But there are also some other forces, by knowledge of which, man may benefit himself, though they may not be his lot to be drawn into, by his past karma. This is the job assigned to free will, so the planets may not just act like mere jailors and rewarding officers.
Why would Varahmihira, in Brihat Jataka talk about Nisheka (conception), and advise the native to avail himself of particular planetary positions if he desired an excellent issue? We are told else where that Parasara, after finding such an hour for Nisheka, approached and joined a boat-man’s daughter in an island on the Yamuna and the issue born was the great Vedavyasa. Is Muhurta the key to accelerate our freewill then?
Are we, in a way being told that prevention is better than cure, i.e., to use good muhurta for activities like travel (includes flights), to avoid disasters! But can we choose the Muhurta always?
Too many questions! And we have no answers! That is why perhaps, world is forced to look askance at astrology!
Rahu in a chart holds the key to the inventory of our karmas, and also reserves the right to boomerang the effects of past karmas in our lives. Everyone has a Rahu posited somewhere in the chart, like a volcano, ready to erupt when it is time to reap your harvest, and as you sow… so shall you reap.
Rahu has been compared to a poisonous black serpent, which is both wise and deadly. Like the serpent, changing its robe like the snake’s skin which is shed for a new and glistening form. While its wisdom is self-manifest in the newer forms, it remains the same in essence. It has a bipolar or forked tongue, an aid to express his wisdom can be very acidic or saccharine. Wisdom of Rahu can be a misguided missile when it is susceptible to degradation and turns cunning and criminal when employed for wrong deeds or it can act as a divine guide for elevation into lofty intuition and excellent intellect when used for high ideals and purpose. Snake venom can destroy as well as heal depending upon its use and dosage. Degraded it poisons and corrupts and when rightly used, it is an antidote to all ills.
It is Rahu’s wisdom which makes a Charles Sobhraj when it afflicts an exalted Jupiter in Cancer and it also has the power to make a great educationist like Radhakrishnan even when posited with Saturn in cancer. Of course, as I said earlier Rahu is a planet on mission, but is not alone and other planets join hands and help him in accomplishing his mission.
The great churner that Rahu is, offers us the cream as well as the buttermilk of all grades and shades. An astrologer’s job is to understanding Rahu’s energy in a nativity and to guide the distressed persons on how to harness this energy. How to become the Lion and carry the mighty Rahu to our advantage is what we need to learn from our lessons in astrology.
It is significant that Leo represents a mountain and the serpent Vasuki was tied around a mountain to churn the nectar. What does it mean? Does it imply the fixity of a fixed leo lagna which can churn the ocean but remains like a fulcrum or does it imply that Leo is the point where if Rahu is present, the native is born to make a sea change in his life and surroundings? Does it imply that the native will revolt and would like to change his way from what is expected of him to what he expects of himself? Does it also mean that he is at a point in his life cycle where he has to regenerate, which is also the souls progress to Leo? Have you seen Rahu not liking the circumstances he is in and wanting to wriggle out and take on a new skin… is that why we call him unconventional. Does it become more pronounced in Leo? The boomerang effect!!
Rahu has been compared to a poisonous black serpent, which is both wise and deadly. Like the serpent, changing its robe like the snake’s skin which is shed for a new and glistening form. While its wisdom is self-manifest in the newer forms, it remains the same in essence. It has a bipolar or forked tongue, an aid to express his wisdom can be very acidic or saccharine. Wisdom of Rahu can be a misguided missile when it is susceptible to degradation and turns cunning and criminal when employed for wrong deeds or it can act as a divine guide for elevation into lofty intuition and excellent intellect when used for high ideals and purpose. Snake venom can destroy as well as heal depending upon its use and dosage. Degraded it poisons and corrupts and when rightly used, it is an antidote to all ills.
It is Rahu’s wisdom which makes a Charles Sobhraj when it afflicts an exalted Jupiter in Cancer and it also has the power to make a great educationist like Radhakrishnan even when posited with Saturn in cancer. Of course, as I said earlier Rahu is a planet on mission, but is not alone and other planets join hands and help him in accomplishing his mission.
The great churner that Rahu is, offers us the cream as well as the buttermilk of all grades and shades. An astrologer’s job is to understanding Rahu’s energy in a nativity and to guide the distressed persons on how to harness this energy. How to become the Lion and carry the mighty Rahu to our advantage is what we need to learn from our lessons in astrology.
It is significant that Leo represents a mountain and the serpent Vasuki was tied around a mountain to churn the nectar. What does it mean? Does it imply the fixity of a fixed leo lagna which can churn the ocean but remains like a fulcrum or does it imply that Leo is the point where if Rahu is present, the native is born to make a sea change in his life and surroundings? Does it imply that the native will revolt and would like to change his way from what is expected of him to what he expects of himself? Does it also mean that he is at a point in his life cycle where he has to regenerate, which is also the souls progress to Leo? Have you seen Rahu not liking the circumstances he is in and wanting to wriggle out and take on a new skin… is that why we call him unconventional. Does it become more pronounced in Leo? The boomerang effect!!
Marriage is one of the most important aspects of human life, and we all become familiar with it and experience the phenomenon through marriage of self, parents, siblings, friends, children, etc. We witness various shades of this social bonding at all times in our lives. And with our divya chakshus, we are supposed to see a little extra… with people in distress coming for solutions, we do get that extra exposure to marriage-related happenings…
Whatever may be the type and status of marriage, no one can deny that disagreements and discords are common place in any marriage, even between the most understanding partners, due to various reasons. In fact, to take the argument forward, sometimes bitter communication appears to be better than no communication. These discords may not be a threat to an otherwise healthy marriage, but do become a cause for discomfort for sometime or some days to come. And to a marriage already standing on one leg, they may give the last push…
Can we identify such periods from a horoscope, and study their intensity whether they are mild shakers or earthquakes and whether we can develop some warning signals for such happenings.
I have observed in many cases, the dashas related to 2H, 6H and 10H of a chart throw up challenges in the marriage, and become a cause of discord between the partners. Whether the discord is mild or severe, temporary or permanent, or how long will it last, can be judged by applying the normal astrological techniques. Where the lords (LL and 7L) sulk in the chart when this happens, is also important.
These three are the trinal houses and any event in one gets the support of the other two. Good planet in one will support the other two and a malefic in one can ruin the other two also.
From the 7H, these are the 4/8/12 houses and denote the emotions and sensitivity and play of psyche in the marriage.
2H is 8H of marriage and for self it is the house of verbosity, speech, niyam, etc.
6H is 12H of marriage and for self it is the house of quarrels and disputes.
10H is 4H of marital happiness and it is the 10H of karma for self.
Do we see a dispute due to one partner being vocally harsh on another, with his/her karma supporting it (karela aur neem chadha…) to disturb the happiness of marriage and the dispute ensuing from 6H, at the expense of 7H of marriage. We can get into the reasons of verbal brawls by further examination and associations in these houses.
2H is also the house of income
6H is the house of our work-related strife
10H is your profession
Does one get engrossed in professional activities with day-to-day work and focuses more on wealth and income than the spouse/partner (kaam aur paisa…) again at the expense of 7H?
There can be many such interpretations, all related to 2/6/10 and marriage. Do we see any overactivity (malefic) of these houses for couples who tend to have more than normal disagreements? Or if I may say, do we see any role of these houses (2/6/10) in making any marriage mostly a happy one?
Whatever may be the type and status of marriage, no one can deny that disagreements and discords are common place in any marriage, even between the most understanding partners, due to various reasons. In fact, to take the argument forward, sometimes bitter communication appears to be better than no communication. These discords may not be a threat to an otherwise healthy marriage, but do become a cause for discomfort for sometime or some days to come. And to a marriage already standing on one leg, they may give the last push…
Can we identify such periods from a horoscope, and study their intensity whether they are mild shakers or earthquakes and whether we can develop some warning signals for such happenings.
I have observed in many cases, the dashas related to 2H, 6H and 10H of a chart throw up challenges in the marriage, and become a cause of discord between the partners. Whether the discord is mild or severe, temporary or permanent, or how long will it last, can be judged by applying the normal astrological techniques. Where the lords (LL and 7L) sulk in the chart when this happens, is also important.
These three are the trinal houses and any event in one gets the support of the other two. Good planet in one will support the other two and a malefic in one can ruin the other two also.
From the 7H, these are the 4/8/12 houses and denote the emotions and sensitivity and play of psyche in the marriage.
2H is 8H of marriage and for self it is the house of verbosity, speech, niyam, etc.
6H is 12H of marriage and for self it is the house of quarrels and disputes.
10H is 4H of marital happiness and it is the 10H of karma for self.
Do we see a dispute due to one partner being vocally harsh on another, with his/her karma supporting it (karela aur neem chadha…) to disturb the happiness of marriage and the dispute ensuing from 6H, at the expense of 7H of marriage. We can get into the reasons of verbal brawls by further examination and associations in these houses.
2H is also the house of income
6H is the house of our work-related strife
10H is your profession
Does one get engrossed in professional activities with day-to-day work and focuses more on wealth and income than the spouse/partner (kaam aur paisa…) again at the expense of 7H?
There can be many such interpretations, all related to 2/6/10 and marriage. Do we see any overactivity (malefic) of these houses for couples who tend to have more than normal disagreements? Or if I may say, do we see any role of these houses (2/6/10) in making any marriage mostly a happy one?
Astrologically, this subject of ‘mula’ or root has a deep import and a chart may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it from this angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at all levels of a being – physical, mental and spiritual.
What is the astrological significance of three mula points of transmutation and the ‘one actual mula’ in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are planets really weak when posited at these points? If so, why and when?
Kaal-sarp can be read in the ‘root’ light. What is the significance of ketu’s position in a chart. What does this mokshkarak really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and mental worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary point?
Once understood, the horoscope will reveal an entirely different aspect of any personality. For certain significations, we can directly co-relate with the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper esoteric meanings.
e.g a native having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might suffer injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is also another impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes him on the spiritual levels.
Catch the Muladhar point in the chart and see where we stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:
Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings commence their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and sahasrara is where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this stage of evolution?
Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are situated in their legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar chakra just as the nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as muladhara is the lowest chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom and it represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter is completely dormant and static.
Chakras above sahasrara represent the higher divine conciousness. Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution and the first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and the life within these lokas described in the shastras.
Don’t we see the behavioural pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?
Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it passes through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole species with avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow the tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From muladhara onward we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara onward we enter the sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic. Prakriti controls them completely and benevolently, as they don’t think and have no power of realisation.
Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a native?
Once kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is no longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he gets an ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards his evolution. That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in muladhara chakra and for further progress beyond this point it has to be pushed.
Within their range of chakras, all individuals within the species are at different levels on the scale of evolution due to their progress in previous lives, or the sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone might have kundalini in anahata at birth, and its ascension should start from there. But we can’t remember our previous lives, so we also forget about the state and level of the our kundalini.
Can’t we try and locate this point in the chart?
People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are superior people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level of achievement. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists, research scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with higher shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up. However, our materialistic societies consider these manifestations as abnormal and those who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and psychological scrutiny and treatment.
How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a pointer to this development?
What is the astrological significance of three mula points of transmutation and the ‘one actual mula’ in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are planets really weak when posited at these points? If so, why and when?
Kaal-sarp can be read in the ‘root’ light. What is the significance of ketu’s position in a chart. What does this mokshkarak really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and mental worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary point?
Once understood, the horoscope will reveal an entirely different aspect of any personality. For certain significations, we can directly co-relate with the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper esoteric meanings.
e.g a native having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might suffer injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is also another impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes him on the spiritual levels.
Catch the Muladhar point in the chart and see where we stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:
Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings commence their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and sahasrara is where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this stage of evolution?
Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are situated in their legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar chakra just as the nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as muladhara is the lowest chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom and it represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter is completely dormant and static.
Chakras above sahasrara represent the higher divine conciousness. Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution and the first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and the life within these lokas described in the shastras.
Don’t we see the behavioural pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?
Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it passes through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole species with avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow the tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From muladhara onward we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara onward we enter the sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic. Prakriti controls them completely and benevolently, as they don’t think and have no power of realisation.
Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a native?
Once kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is no longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he gets an ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards his evolution. That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in muladhara chakra and for further progress beyond this point it has to be pushed.
Within their range of chakras, all individuals within the species are at different levels on the scale of evolution due to their progress in previous lives, or the sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone might have kundalini in anahata at birth, and its ascension should start from there. But we can’t remember our previous lives, so we also forget about the state and level of the our kundalini.
Can’t we try and locate this point in the chart?
People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are superior people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level of achievement. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists, research scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with higher shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up. However, our materialistic societies consider these manifestations as abnormal and those who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and psychological scrutiny and treatment.
How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a pointer to this development?
Birth Yogas or Dina Yogas or Nitya Yogas or Surya Siddhant Yogas are 27 Yogas which are based upon the angle ° distance between the Sun and the Moon in the Lagan Chart ( Lagan Kundali ) .If we take 360° and divide by 27 = 13°20' ( some write 13.33°). So for each 13.33° a Yoga is formed. When you were born, your birth took place in one of these Yogas . It is the combination of the Sun + Moon . The Nitya Yogas help Astrologers in predicting general behavior , temperament & other characteristics of the individual .Out of the 27 Nitya Yogas 9 Yogas are considered inauspicious ( unfavorable ) .
1) (Sun's Longitude + Moon's Longitude) divided by 13°20'
The resulting quotient tells you about the Yoga in which your birth took place.
2) Sun's Longitude + Moon's Longitude
Check the resulting value with the List of Birth Yogas given below
The Longitude of Sun or Moon can be calculated for the purpose of determining Birth Yoga by using my formula .....
1) Longitude of Sun / Moon in Specific Sign + ( 30 X N0-of signs before the sign in which Sun /Moon is placed ).
As you can see in the above Lagan Kundali , the longitude of Sun is 29 * & it is in Aries Sign ie. First Sign . Similarly the longitude of Moon is 24 * & it is in Leo Sign ie Fifth Sign . Now by using the above mentioned formula we will calculate the Longitude of Sun & Moon for determining Birth Yoga
Longitude of Sun / Moon in Specific Sign + ( 30 X N0-of signs before the sign in which Sun or Moon is placed )
29 + 30 x 0 ( The longitude of Sun is 29 * & it in Aries Sign . Since Aries in First Sign there are no signs before Aries ) .
Therefore Longitude of Sun in this case is 29 * ........................................
24 + 30 x 4 ( The Longitude of Moon is 24 * & it is in Leo Sign . Since Leo is the Fifth Sign there are 4 signs before Leo ) .
Therefore Longitude of Moon in this case is 144*.......................................
Therefore - 29 + 144 / 13.20 = 13.1 ( The quotient is 13.1 which corresponds to VYAGHATA YOGA in the below list of Birth Yogas .
Therefore - 29 + 144 + 173 * ( The resulting value falls in the range of VYAGHATA YOGA which is 160*00' to 173*20' ... )
1. Vishkumbha Yoga : 0* to 13*20' ... Unfavorable.
2. Priti Yoga : > 13*20' to 26*40'
3. Ayushman Yoga : > 26*40' to 40*00'
4. Soubhagya Yoga : > 40*00' to 53*20'
5. Sobhana Yoga : > 53*00' to 66*40'
6. Atiganda Yoga : > 66*40' to 80*00' ... Unfavorable.
7. Sukarmana Yoga : > 80*00' to 93*20'
8. Dhriti Yoga : > 93*20' to 106*40'
9. Shoola / Sula Yoga : > 106*40' to 120*00' ... Unfavorable.
10. Ganda Yoga : > 120*00' to 133*20' ... Unfavorable.
11. Vriddhi Yoga : > 133*20' to 146*40'
12. Dhruva Yoga : > 146*40' to 160*00'
13. Vyaghata Yoga : > 160*00' to 173*20' ... Unfavorable.
14. Harshana Yoga : > 173*20' to 186*40'
15. Vajra Yoga : > 186*40' to 200*00' ... Unfavorable.
16. Siddhi Yoga : > 200*00' to 213*20'
17. Vyatipata Yoga : > 213*20' to 226*40' ... Unfavorable.
18. Variyan Yoga : > 226*40' to 240*00'
19. Parigha Yoga : > 240*00' to 253*20' ... Unfavorable.
20. Shiva Yoga : > 253*20' to 266*40'
21. Siddha Yoga : > 266*40' to 280*00'
22. Sadhya Yoga : > 280*00' to 293*20'
23. Subha Yoga : > 293*20' to 306*40'
24. Shukla Yoga : > 306*40' to 320*00'
25. Brahma Yoga : > 320*00' to 333*20'
26. Indra / Mahendra / Aindra Yoga : > 333*20' to 346*40'
27. Vaidhriti Yoga : > 346*40' to 360*00' ... Unfavorable.
1. Vishkumbh Yoga :
Though astrology considers it inauspicious but natives born in this yoga may possess best qualities and good fortune. They are usually very beautiful and intelligent. They do not have to face any financial problems as they are financially secure.
Their birth yoga favors a happy family life. Not only this, the natives can easily influence people with their personality and have a big social circle. This yoga makes the natives very intelligent.
2. Preeti Yoga :
The name itself indicates that its natives will be lively, inquisitive and work in a sporty spirit. They are beauty worshipers. This yoga creates in them a leaning towards the opposite sex and they develop good relationship with them. They are clever and know how to achieve success in life.
3. Ayushman Yoga :
Native of this yoga will have a long life that means he will taste the happiness of life for a longer period in comparison to others. They are very fond of poetry and music. They are born with wealth and do not face financial problems. They are physically strong and in a combat they have the capability to defeat enemies.
4. Saubhagya Yoga :
A native who is born with this yoga truly carries the meaning of this yoga. That means they get an amazing fortune. People praise their qualities as they have various inborn talents in them. This yoga creates a tendency of getting attracted to the opposite sex and they may find beautiful people irresistible..
5. Shobhan Yoga :
A native of this yoga is beautiful and attractive. He is very prudent in doing tasks and completes them almost perfectly. His or her spousewill be very attractive and will possess good qualities. This auspicious yoga will give the nativefull satisfaction from the children’s part. Person born with this yoga may be slightly aggressive.
6. Atigand Yoga :
This yoga is counted amongst the inauspicious yogas. A Native born with this yoga may cause difficulties and problems for his or her mother. He has a temperaments which is not so good for his family’s honor. His family may perhaps have to suffer many problems due to this.
7. Sukarma Yoga :
Natives born in this yoga believe in religious works. They are excellent workers and have decent and simple nature. This yoga makes them compassionate and caring towards people. People usually love them for their behavioral qualities and kind-heartedness. Sukarma yoga gives the person a magnificient fortune.
8. Dhriti Yoga :
This yoga is an auspicious yoga. Natives of this yoga are very patient. They don’t get excited quickly and make their decisions only after giving things a long and hard thought.. Dhriti yoga blesses them with sound health. Normally people of this yoga are talented and wise. They live a peaceful family life and achieve success in the society.
9. Shool / Sula Yoga :
Astrology says that a person who is born in this yoga has a religious nature. He will be interested in religious texts and may know how to perform yajna. He may acquire great knowledge about religious things but he also has the material desire in him as this yoga makes him good in collecting wealth too. Even thoughit gives so many good qualities and happy moments this yoga has malefic part too as the native may have an unhappy life.
10. Gand Yoga :
People born in this yoga may lead a problematic life. They may worry too much about their health and may have to face some real health problems in their life. Natives of Gand yoga have a short stature with a big head. They are physically very strong and love to indulge in lavish activities.
11. Vridhhi Yoga :
Natives of this yoga have an attractive physique and nature. This yoga gives prosperity and imparts some fine character traits in the native’s nature. The influence of this yoga is not limited to the native only but it is seen in the character of his wife and son also as they will possess a good attitude.
12. Dhruva Yoga :
A person born in this yoga has a calm nature. He or she is very focused in whatever they do. This Yoga gives physical strength along with an affluent life. The person gets love from almost every sphere of society for her composed nature and is blessed with a long life.
13. Vyaghat Yoga :
Persons born in this yoga are expert in doing various works. Their proficiency in multiple activities is appreciated in the society. They are very talented and skilled people. For these qualities in their character they become famous and achieve success in their life.
14. Harshan Yoga :
Astrology considers this yoga very auspicious. It is said that natives of this yoga are very fortunate. Their birth yoga makes them meritorious and scholarly in various subjects. They are expert in the Shashtras. They are determined and have the strength to stand by their convictions. They are well-respected in the society for these qualities.
15. Vajra Yoga :
The characteristic of this yoga is that it gives immense strength to its native especially to the hands. The physical power and the stamina which are obtained from this yoga make the natives very skilled in physical endeavours. They are also experts in handling weapons. Normally they don’t have to face financial crisis. Vajra yoga makes its natives very courageous and strong.
16. Siddha Yoga :
If a person’s yoga is Siddha yoga then he will be proficient in every occupation. He has a dedicative and attentive nature and is normally capable to do almost everything with equal skill. They are beautiful people and lead a happy life. The compassionate nature makes them help and donate to disabled and poor people. This yoga can cause health problems.
17. Vyatipat Yoga :
Natives born in this yoga experience a very problematic childhood. They face many difficulties in their formative days of life. Gradually their experiences of life develop a unique quality of transforming sorrow in to happiness. They begin to receive happiness and joyous moments in their youth days and finally they achieve success in life.
18. Variyan Yoga :
The characteristics of the natives of this yoga are that they are very good in music, dance and other art forms. They can achieve quick success if they try a career in these fields. The natives’ interest in creative fields and the urge to perform in them is the specialty of this yoga. They are very determined and rest only after achieving their goal. This yoga makes them strong and powerful individuals.
19. Paridh Yoga :
The natives of this yoga are intelligent and possess knowledge of many subjects. The inputs of this yoga can be seen in their personality as they are very talented and wise. With their varied knowledge they become famous and earn honor for themselves and their family. They are soft spoken people, and enjoy the fruits of family life.
20. Shiva Yoga :
Native of this yoga are very intelligent and work for the welfare of people. They are above any material desire and selflessly devote themselves to other people’s problems. They have a true heart and the inborn wisdom in their character gains respect from the society.
21. Siddha Yoga :
Astrology says that people born in this yoga have a fetish for performing tantra-mantra. They worship the related god for this purpose. They have an attractive and an intelligent spouse and will also have enough wealth to live a comfortable life.
22. Sadhya Yoga :
This yoga makes the character of the native determined and confident. Patience is a special characteristic trait in them and they wait for the fruits of their labor with out much worry. They don’t act at the spur of a moment and will only make well-thought decisions.
23. Shubh Yoga :
As the name suggest it is actually a very auspicious yoga. Natives who have this yoga are very beautiful, intelligent and talented. They have abundant wealth and never face any financial problem throughout the life. They are very generous donators and deeply respect learned and religious people.
24. Shukla Yoga :
Natives of Shukla yoga are expert in almost every art form. They are very fond of poetry and may become poets themselves. They are very educated people and have a courageous soul. Their birth yoga gives them financial security. They rule people’s heart with their bright personality.
25. Brahma Yoga :
Astrology considers that this yoga is very auspicious for the natives born in it. They gain knowledge from Vedas. Besides this they are very proficient in other topics too. They have deep faith in god and possess a pious heart.
26. Aindra / Mahindra / Indra Yoga :
Natives born in this yoga have a good fortune. According to astrology these people are very wealthy and have some of the finest personality traits. They enjoy their family life to its fullest. But this yoga has a malefic side as it may limit the longevity of the native.
27. Vaidhriti Yoga :
This yoga gives cheerfulness and positive energy to its native. He or she performs the assigned task with a sporty spirit. His nature has some nice qualities e.g., she is a very laborious and able person. The Yoga will make the person very helpful and generous, but they may not get the credit they deserve for this.
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1) (Sun's Longitude + Moon's Longitude) divided by 13°20'
The resulting quotient tells you about the Yoga in which your birth took place.
2) Sun's Longitude + Moon's Longitude
Check the resulting value with the List of Birth Yogas given below
The Longitude of Sun or Moon can be calculated for the purpose of determining Birth Yoga by using my formula .....
1) Longitude of Sun / Moon in Specific Sign + ( 30 X N0-of signs before the sign in which Sun /Moon is placed ).
As you can see in the above Lagan Kundali , the longitude of Sun is 29 * & it is in Aries Sign ie. First Sign . Similarly the longitude of Moon is 24 * & it is in Leo Sign ie Fifth Sign . Now by using the above mentioned formula we will calculate the Longitude of Sun & Moon for determining Birth Yoga
Longitude of Sun / Moon in Specific Sign + ( 30 X N0-of signs before the sign in which Sun or Moon is placed )
29 + 30 x 0 ( The longitude of Sun is 29 * & it in Aries Sign . Since Aries in First Sign there are no signs before Aries ) .
Therefore Longitude of Sun in this case is 29 * ........................................
24 + 30 x 4 ( The Longitude of Moon is 24 * & it is in Leo Sign . Since Leo is the Fifth Sign there are 4 signs before Leo ) .
Therefore Longitude of Moon in this case is 144*.......................................
Therefore - 29 + 144 / 13.20 = 13.1 ( The quotient is 13.1 which corresponds to VYAGHATA YOGA in the below list of Birth Yogas .
Therefore - 29 + 144 + 173 * ( The resulting value falls in the range of VYAGHATA YOGA which is 160*00' to 173*20' ... )
1. Vishkumbha Yoga : 0* to 13*20' ... Unfavorable.
2. Priti Yoga : > 13*20' to 26*40'
3. Ayushman Yoga : > 26*40' to 40*00'
4. Soubhagya Yoga : > 40*00' to 53*20'
5. Sobhana Yoga : > 53*00' to 66*40'
6. Atiganda Yoga : > 66*40' to 80*00' ... Unfavorable.
7. Sukarmana Yoga : > 80*00' to 93*20'
8. Dhriti Yoga : > 93*20' to 106*40'
9. Shoola / Sula Yoga : > 106*40' to 120*00' ... Unfavorable.
10. Ganda Yoga : > 120*00' to 133*20' ... Unfavorable.
11. Vriddhi Yoga : > 133*20' to 146*40'
12. Dhruva Yoga : > 146*40' to 160*00'
13. Vyaghata Yoga : > 160*00' to 173*20' ... Unfavorable.
14. Harshana Yoga : > 173*20' to 186*40'
15. Vajra Yoga : > 186*40' to 200*00' ... Unfavorable.
16. Siddhi Yoga : > 200*00' to 213*20'
17. Vyatipata Yoga : > 213*20' to 226*40' ... Unfavorable.
18. Variyan Yoga : > 226*40' to 240*00'
19. Parigha Yoga : > 240*00' to 253*20' ... Unfavorable.
20. Shiva Yoga : > 253*20' to 266*40'
21. Siddha Yoga : > 266*40' to 280*00'
22. Sadhya Yoga : > 280*00' to 293*20'
23. Subha Yoga : > 293*20' to 306*40'
24. Shukla Yoga : > 306*40' to 320*00'
25. Brahma Yoga : > 320*00' to 333*20'
26. Indra / Mahendra / Aindra Yoga : > 333*20' to 346*40'
27. Vaidhriti Yoga : > 346*40' to 360*00' ... Unfavorable.
1. Vishkumbh Yoga :
Though astrology considers it inauspicious but natives born in this yoga may possess best qualities and good fortune. They are usually very beautiful and intelligent. They do not have to face any financial problems as they are financially secure.
Their birth yoga favors a happy family life. Not only this, the natives can easily influence people with their personality and have a big social circle. This yoga makes the natives very intelligent.
2. Preeti Yoga :
The name itself indicates that its natives will be lively, inquisitive and work in a sporty spirit. They are beauty worshipers. This yoga creates in them a leaning towards the opposite sex and they develop good relationship with them. They are clever and know how to achieve success in life.
3. Ayushman Yoga :
Native of this yoga will have a long life that means he will taste the happiness of life for a longer period in comparison to others. They are very fond of poetry and music. They are born with wealth and do not face financial problems. They are physically strong and in a combat they have the capability to defeat enemies.
4. Saubhagya Yoga :
A native who is born with this yoga truly carries the meaning of this yoga. That means they get an amazing fortune. People praise their qualities as they have various inborn talents in them. This yoga creates a tendency of getting attracted to the opposite sex and they may find beautiful people irresistible..
5. Shobhan Yoga :
A native of this yoga is beautiful and attractive. He is very prudent in doing tasks and completes them almost perfectly. His or her spousewill be very attractive and will possess good qualities. This auspicious yoga will give the nativefull satisfaction from the children’s part. Person born with this yoga may be slightly aggressive.
6. Atigand Yoga :
This yoga is counted amongst the inauspicious yogas. A Native born with this yoga may cause difficulties and problems for his or her mother. He has a temperaments which is not so good for his family’s honor. His family may perhaps have to suffer many problems due to this.
7. Sukarma Yoga :
Natives born in this yoga believe in religious works. They are excellent workers and have decent and simple nature. This yoga makes them compassionate and caring towards people. People usually love them for their behavioral qualities and kind-heartedness. Sukarma yoga gives the person a magnificient fortune.
8. Dhriti Yoga :
This yoga is an auspicious yoga. Natives of this yoga are very patient. They don’t get excited quickly and make their decisions only after giving things a long and hard thought.. Dhriti yoga blesses them with sound health. Normally people of this yoga are talented and wise. They live a peaceful family life and achieve success in the society.
9. Shool / Sula Yoga :
Astrology says that a person who is born in this yoga has a religious nature. He will be interested in religious texts and may know how to perform yajna. He may acquire great knowledge about religious things but he also has the material desire in him as this yoga makes him good in collecting wealth too. Even thoughit gives so many good qualities and happy moments this yoga has malefic part too as the native may have an unhappy life.
10. Gand Yoga :
People born in this yoga may lead a problematic life. They may worry too much about their health and may have to face some real health problems in their life. Natives of Gand yoga have a short stature with a big head. They are physically very strong and love to indulge in lavish activities.
11. Vridhhi Yoga :
Natives of this yoga have an attractive physique and nature. This yoga gives prosperity and imparts some fine character traits in the native’s nature. The influence of this yoga is not limited to the native only but it is seen in the character of his wife and son also as they will possess a good attitude.
12. Dhruva Yoga :
A person born in this yoga has a calm nature. He or she is very focused in whatever they do. This Yoga gives physical strength along with an affluent life. The person gets love from almost every sphere of society for her composed nature and is blessed with a long life.
13. Vyaghat Yoga :
Persons born in this yoga are expert in doing various works. Their proficiency in multiple activities is appreciated in the society. They are very talented and skilled people. For these qualities in their character they become famous and achieve success in their life.
14. Harshan Yoga :
Astrology considers this yoga very auspicious. It is said that natives of this yoga are very fortunate. Their birth yoga makes them meritorious and scholarly in various subjects. They are expert in the Shashtras. They are determined and have the strength to stand by their convictions. They are well-respected in the society for these qualities.
15. Vajra Yoga :
The characteristic of this yoga is that it gives immense strength to its native especially to the hands. The physical power and the stamina which are obtained from this yoga make the natives very skilled in physical endeavours. They are also experts in handling weapons. Normally they don’t have to face financial crisis. Vajra yoga makes its natives very courageous and strong.
16. Siddha Yoga :
If a person’s yoga is Siddha yoga then he will be proficient in every occupation. He has a dedicative and attentive nature and is normally capable to do almost everything with equal skill. They are beautiful people and lead a happy life. The compassionate nature makes them help and donate to disabled and poor people. This yoga can cause health problems.
17. Vyatipat Yoga :
Natives born in this yoga experience a very problematic childhood. They face many difficulties in their formative days of life. Gradually their experiences of life develop a unique quality of transforming sorrow in to happiness. They begin to receive happiness and joyous moments in their youth days and finally they achieve success in life.
18. Variyan Yoga :
The characteristics of the natives of this yoga are that they are very good in music, dance and other art forms. They can achieve quick success if they try a career in these fields. The natives’ interest in creative fields and the urge to perform in them is the specialty of this yoga. They are very determined and rest only after achieving their goal. This yoga makes them strong and powerful individuals.
19. Paridh Yoga :
The natives of this yoga are intelligent and possess knowledge of many subjects. The inputs of this yoga can be seen in their personality as they are very talented and wise. With their varied knowledge they become famous and earn honor for themselves and their family. They are soft spoken people, and enjoy the fruits of family life.
20. Shiva Yoga :
Native of this yoga are very intelligent and work for the welfare of people. They are above any material desire and selflessly devote themselves to other people’s problems. They have a true heart and the inborn wisdom in their character gains respect from the society.
21. Siddha Yoga :
Astrology says that people born in this yoga have a fetish for performing tantra-mantra. They worship the related god for this purpose. They have an attractive and an intelligent spouse and will also have enough wealth to live a comfortable life.
22. Sadhya Yoga :
This yoga makes the character of the native determined and confident. Patience is a special characteristic trait in them and they wait for the fruits of their labor with out much worry. They don’t act at the spur of a moment and will only make well-thought decisions.
23. Shubh Yoga :
As the name suggest it is actually a very auspicious yoga. Natives who have this yoga are very beautiful, intelligent and talented. They have abundant wealth and never face any financial problem throughout the life. They are very generous donators and deeply respect learned and religious people.
24. Shukla Yoga :
Natives of Shukla yoga are expert in almost every art form. They are very fond of poetry and may become poets themselves. They are very educated people and have a courageous soul. Their birth yoga gives them financial security. They rule people’s heart with their bright personality.
25. Brahma Yoga :
Astrology considers that this yoga is very auspicious for the natives born in it. They gain knowledge from Vedas. Besides this they are very proficient in other topics too. They have deep faith in god and possess a pious heart.
26. Aindra / Mahindra / Indra Yoga :
Natives born in this yoga have a good fortune. According to astrology these people are very wealthy and have some of the finest personality traits. They enjoy their family life to its fullest. But this yoga has a malefic side as it may limit the longevity of the native.
27. Vaidhriti Yoga :
This yoga gives cheerfulness and positive energy to its native. He or she performs the assigned task with a sporty spirit. His nature has some nice qualities e.g., she is a very laborious and able person. The Yoga will make the person very helpful and generous, but they may not get the credit they deserve for this.
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In order to know the auspicious hours favoured by Time, Electional Astrology was formulated.
Certain Horas or hours are found to be inauspicious. Nava Doshas or the Nine Afflictions are inauspicious and so is Chandra Astama ( The Moon's transit of the Lunar 8th ). Chandra Ashtama has been defined as the Black Hole of Electional Astrol
The Electional Ascendant
This is the Ascendant for the Event. If, for example, one fellow wants to start a business venture, the favourable time for starting that venture becomes the Ascending Degree.
The Moon should not be in 6,8,12 houses from the Electional Ascendant. Venusian aspect is not acceptable. The 8th Lunation, Ashtami is not considered auspicious but Krishna Ashtami ( 8th Lunation during the Dark Fortnight ) is considered good for marital purposes.
Aries rising is not considered auspicious for marriage. Scorpio is detested for the same purpose.
Jupiter in Leo is considered very auspicious.
We have elucidated some basic electional principles. We have incorporated 45 afflictions or Doshas in our Electional Astrology Software.
The prescription of the Learned
A Benefic Planet Rising
Lagna or Asc being Shubha Sampoorna
These Three are Great Benedictions !
Certain Horas or hours are found to be inauspicious. Nava Doshas or the Nine Afflictions are inauspicious and so is Chandra Astama ( The Moon's transit of the Lunar 8th ). Chandra Ashtama has been defined as the Black Hole of Electional Astrol
The Electional Ascendant
This is the Ascendant for the Event. If, for example, one fellow wants to start a business venture, the favourable time for starting that venture becomes the Ascending Degree.
The Moon should not be in 6,8,12 houses from the Electional Ascendant. Venusian aspect is not acceptable. The 8th Lunation, Ashtami is not considered auspicious but Krishna Ashtami ( 8th Lunation during the Dark Fortnight ) is considered good for marital purposes.
Aries rising is not considered auspicious for marriage. Scorpio is detested for the same purpose.
Jupiter in Leo is considered very auspicious.
We have elucidated some basic electional principles. We have incorporated 45 afflictions or Doshas in our Electional Astrology Software.
The prescription of the Learned
A Benefic Planet Rising
Lagna or Asc being Shubha Sampoorna
These Three are Great Benedictions !
I was reading a small interview by Deepak Chopra on Michael Jackson.
Mr Chopra was talking about how doctors suck people into prescription
medicines and how that ruins some people's lives. That somehow
reminded me of a story.
Sometime back, mother of a young man came to me to show his chart. She
was asking about his studies etc. But the chart was brilliant from the
spiritual point of view. There were many tell-tale combinations. I
declared, "this is not the chart of a materialistic person, but that
of a sannyasi (ascetic/monk)." She broke down into tears and gave me
some background. I found out that he indeed wants to leave material
life and his mother does not want him to.
This boy had been calm, peaceful, contented and an introvert since
childhood. Oneday in his early teenage days, he had an interesting
experience. He was in his room upstairs. His father was teaching math
to some students downstairs. He was hearing all those voices.
Suddenly, he stopped hearing anything. He did not hear or see anything
for a while. His mind was completely blacked out. After a while, his
mind returned to normalcy and he saw and heard everything. But he felt
a tremendous sense of bliss and contentment then. He was overwhelmed
by what he felt then.
He realized that what people pursue as happiness is nothing in front
of what he experienced then. He did not want to study or do anything
anymore. He only wanted to experience that state. His parents became
worried and took him to doctors. Doctors did all kinds of tests on his
brain and found nothing. He was also confined to a mental facility for
one month. They put him on powerful drugs and kept him under
observation. He kept telling the doctors that there was nothing wrong
with him and that they would not understand what he experienced. After
a month, those doctors concluded he was normal and had no problem. The
powerful drugs he received during the month wreaked havoc on him, but
he was not angry or mad at his parents or doctors. He says he
understands his parents love him and hence they did all this. He does
not want to hurt them. He also says he knows what he wants but does
not know how to get it. But he knows that regular studies and regular
material life will not get him what he wants.
When I chatted with him alone, I realized that he is a brilliant young
man with clear thinking. He is certainly not a mad person. He just
needs someone to show him a spiritual path to make something
permanent, which temporarily came to him and left him! To get it
permanently now, he needs to do serious sadhana. His parents also took
him to many so-called swamijis, but he was not satisfied with the
advice given anyone. He started reading Ramana Maharshi and a few
others and liked some of them. But he is still without a clear
Interestingly, just when I was about to chat with this person after
making his parents leave, my guru Manish called me. He asked me what
was going on. I mentioned that I was about to talk to a teenager who
had a nice chart. He asked for the birthdata, checked it out and
confirmed my feeling that this boy had great spiritual potential.
Unfortunately, the system we have in place looked at him with
suspicion and gave powerful drugs to mess up his mind for one full
month! He is lucky and survived the ordeal. This is a sign of the
times we live in that someone who realizes, albeit momentarily, the
essence of scriptures, is labeled as a mentally disturbed person and
powerful drugs are given to him, instead of clear spiritual direction
to make that realization more permanent.
Best regards,
Do a Short Homam Yourself:
Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself:
Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):
Free Jyotish software (Windows):
Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran at 1:25 AM
I was reading a small interview by Deepak Chopra on Michael Jackson.
Mr Chopra was talking about how doctors suck people into prescription
medicines and how that ruins some people's lives. That somehow
reminded me of a story.
Sometime back, mother of a young man came to me to show his chart. She
was asking about his studies etc. But the chart was brilliant from the
spiritual point of view. There were many tell-tale combinations. I
declared, "this is not the chart of a materialistic person, but that
of a sannyasi (ascetic/monk)." She broke down into tears and gave me
some background. I found out that he indeed wants to leave material
life and his mother does not want him to.
This boy had been calm, peaceful, contented and an introvert since
childhood. Oneday in his early teenage days, he had an interesting
experience. He was in his room upstairs. His father was teaching math
to some students downstairs. He was hearing all those voices.
Suddenly, he stopped hearing anything. He did not hear or see anything
for a while. His mind was completely blacked out. After a while, his
mind returned to normalcy and he saw and heard everything. But he felt
a tremendous sense of bliss and contentment then. He was overwhelmed
by what he felt then.
He realized that what people pursue as happiness is nothing in front
of what he experienced then. He did not want to study or do anything
anymore. He only wanted to experience that state. His parents became
worried and took him to doctors. Doctors did all kinds of tests on his
brain and found nothing. He was also confined to a mental facility for
one month. They put him on powerful drugs and kept him under
observation. He kept telling the doctors that there was nothing wrong
with him and that they would not understand what he experienced. After
a month, those doctors concluded he was normal and had no problem. The
powerful drugs he received during the month wreaked havoc on him, but
he was not angry or mad at his parents or doctors. He says he
understands his parents love him and hence they did all this. He does
not want to hurt them. He also says he knows what he wants but does
not know how to get it. But he knows that regular studies and regular
material life will not get him what he wants.
When I chatted with him alone, I realized that he is a brilliant young
man with clear thinking. He is certainly not a mad person. He just
needs someone to show him a spiritual path to make something
permanent, which temporarily came to him and left him! To get it
permanently now, he needs to do serious sadhana. His parents also took
him to many so-called swamijis, but he was not satisfied with the
advice given anyone. He started reading Ramana Maharshi and a few
others and liked some of them. But he is still without a clear
Interestingly, just when I was about to chat with this person after
making his parents leave, my guru Manish called me. He asked me what
was going on. I mentioned that I was about to talk to a teenager who
had a nice chart. He asked for the birthdata, checked it out and
confirmed my feeling that this boy had great spiritual potential.
Unfortunately, the system we have in place looked at him with
suspicion and gave powerful drugs to mess up his mind for one full
month! He is lucky and survived the ordeal. This is a sign of the
times we live in that someone who realizes, albeit momentarily, the
essence of scriptures, is labeled as a mentally disturbed person and
powerful drugs are given to him, instead of clear spiritual direction
to make that realization more permanent.
Best regards,
Do a Short Homam Yourself:
Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself:
Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):
Free Jyotish software (Windows):
Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran at 1:25 AM
Métodos de rectificación:
Para resolver la problemática de hora natal inexacta la Jyotisha Shastra, mas conocida como Astrología Védica o Hindú, cuenta con una variedad de alternativas, dependiendo de la incertidumbre horaria a salvar y de la cantidad y exactitud de acontecimiento pretéritos para la verificación de la hora natal dada con que se cuente. A continuación expongo una lista de los recursos instrumentales para rectificar la hora natal conocidos y probados por mí hasta la fecha, clasificados de acuerdo a la necesidad de poseer, o no, hechos pretéritos significativos vividos por el nativo con fechas precisas.
Métodos de verificación y/o rectificación que prescinden de hechos pretéritos:
1. Nisheka o Adhana Lagna: Ascendente del momento en que se consuma el coito.
2. Carta de Concepción: Conocida en occidente como Trutina Hermes(1).
3. Pancha Tattva: Basado en la división cualitativa de las 24hs. del día según los elementos.
4. Vighati Lagna: Ascendete especial que correlaciona día, hora y sexo del nativo.
5. Vargachatushtaya: Articulación de Rasi Chakra con armónicas D-9, D-12, D-81 y D-108.
6. Kunda: Armónica D-81, derivado del método denominado Varga Chatushtaya.
7. Sookshma Lagna: Longitud armónica D-972 del Ascendente en relación a la Luna.
8. Pranapada Lagna: Ascendente especial en relación específica al Ascendente natural.
9. Longitud del Sol y Luna en relación al Ascendente.
10. Vargas: Evaluación cualitativa de Ascendente en Vargas (cartas divisionales).
Métodos de verificación y/o rectificación que requieren hechos pretéritos:
1. Dasas: Períodos temporales correlacionados desde el Ascendente y la Luna.
2. Gochara: Tránsitos planetarios en Rasi Chakra (carta natal) y Vargas (cartas divisionales).
3. Direcciones en claves diversas para la verificación de hechos pasados en Rasi Chakra y Vargas.
4. Varshapal: Retornos solares anuales, mensuales y diarios aplicados a hechos pasados.
Aquellos que nos hemos formado inicialmente en el ámbito de la astrología occidental nos sorprende gratamente el hecho de que existan tantos recursos para corregir la hora natal, principalmente para los casos en que no hay sucesos pretéritos conocidos. La práctica habitualmente nos presenta algunos consultantes con serias dificultades para recordar fechas exactas de acontecimientos que hayan significado algo importante en sus vidas. Algunas veces el problema pasa por el hecho de que quien consulta es alguien joven, con lo cual no hay sucesos fuertes o significativos. Esta condición es indispensable para llevar a cabo una rectificación dinámica y direccional. Por eso aquí me centro en dos de los métodos que no requieren tales datos, pudiéndose implementar en una primera etapa, que bien puede ser denominada de pre-rectificación: La carta de Concepción y el método Kunda.
Para ejemplificar el uso de estos dos métodos presento una natividad femenina que integra mi base de datos de consultantes. El nacimiento se produjo el 3 de Marzo del año 1978 en Bahía Blanca, Pcia. de Bs. As. Según el registro asentado en partida de nacimiento el natalicio se produjo a las 10:30 a.m. De acuerdo a lo que le dijo su madre a la nativa, el nacimiento tuvo lugar entre las 10:15 a.m. y las 10:30 a.m. Mi primer impresión ante esto fue pensar que se me había presentado una vez mas el clásico “redondeo administrativo” de la hora natal.
La Rasi Chakra de concepción:
En primer lugar implementé la técnica de rectificación basada en la carta de concepción. Este método que, si bien tiene su origen en la tradición astrológica occidental, fue adoptado por los astrólogos hindúes(2) como válido para ser implementado con la utilización del zodíaco sidéreo. Por otra parte, tanto Parashara como Varahamihira mencionan técnicas de rectificación basadas en la posición de la Luna y/o Ascedente (Adhana Lagna o Nisheka Lagna) pero para el momento del coito. La regla medieval de la carta de concepción establece que la longitud zodiacal de la Luna en el momento de concepción en la natividad es la longitud del grado Ascendente, o su opuesto, y la longitud de la Luna natal el grado Ascendente, o su opuesto, en la concepción.
La búsqueda de la Luna de concepción se lleva a cabo considerando en primer lugar la longitud del grado Ascendente natal, o su opuesto, en principio para 273 días (10 ciclos sidéreos de la Luna x 27,3días) previos al nacimiento, para luego ampliar su búsqueda en mas o en menos diez días, correlacionando una longitud de Ascendente que de cumplimiento a la regla. En este caso obtuve una Luna en 29º06´ de Piscis a menos de dos grados de la longitud del Ascendente natal, con un ascendente de concepción a 3º42´ de Géminis, la exacta longitud opuesta de la Luna natal. Esto sitúa la concepción el día 11 de Junio de 1977, a las 09:03 a.m., aproximadamente 264 días antes del nacimiento. La madre, de alguna manera, confirmó esto diciendo que se trató de un embarazo normal comprendido dentro de los nueve meses. A continuación, si en la carta natal llevamos el Ascendente hasta 29º06´ de Piscis, indicados por la Luna de concepción, la hora de nacimiento a la que se arriba es 10:21:17 a.m. Esto en principio parece darle la razón a la madre de la nativa en lo que a la hora natal se refiere, debido a que queda contenida entre 10:15hs y 10:30hs.
El Kunda:
Textos antiguos auténticos como “Skanda Hora” de Subrahmanya, “Brihath Prajapathyam” dictado por Daksha Prajapathi, “Brihat Sounaka Hora” atribuido al Rishi Sounaka o “Prashna Marga” de Namboodiri, presentan una teoría para la rectificación de la hora natal denominada “Vargachathushtaya” (varga: división, chatur: cuatro, sthana: posición, localización), compuesta por cuatro cartas divisionales. Las cuatro vargas de la tan mentada tétrada son:
a) Navamsa (Asc. x 9) = D-9.
b) Navamsa-Navamsa (Asc. x 81) = D-81.
c) Dwadasamsa (Asc. x 12) = D-12.
d) Navamsa-Dwadasamsa (Asc. x 108) = D-108.
De acuerdo a esta teoría si dos o más de los cuatro Ascendentes obtenidos luego de las multiplicaciones correspondientes se hallan en relación trigonal a la “Luna natal”, muy probablemente, la hora de nacimiento será la correcta. En el tratado “Skanda Hora” esto es presentado de un modo terminante:
“Dridam dwi bahu samvadath sarvam vidhi dwijothama”
“Si dos o mas métodos coinciden el tiempo natal es correcto,
entonces se acepta como hora natal”
Como se advierte el método basado en la multiplicación del Ascendente por 81, denominado aquí Navamsa-Navamsa, no es otro que el mecanismo para obtener el así llamado Kunda(3). Desarrollar la metodología de rectificación por Vargachathushtaya excedería sobremanera este espacio, por ello me centro en el método Kunda que, dicho sea de paso, como se verá es sumamente eficaz.
Para comprender el funcionamiento de este recurso desarrollaré brevemente el aspecto matemático y temporal implícito en el mismo. Al Kunda le lleva aproximadamente 18 minutos(4) completar una revolución completa al zodíaco. Si lo que se trata es de considerar las vinculaciones trigonales del Ascendente ubicado en Nava-Navamsa con relación a la longitud de la Luna natal en Rasi Chakra, pues entonces el arco en tiempo comprendido entre tal posibilidad es de 6 minutos (18/3 = 6). Con lo cual se deduce que para cualquier nacimiento la corrección posible es de +/- 6 minutos. Este período de tiempo es sumamente adecuado para considerar su posible aplicación en la rectificación de hora natal en nacimientos de gemelos y mellizos, ya que la salida del vientre materno suele producirse en torno a este intervalo de tiempo. En el ejemplo presentado la hora natal deducida por medio del estudio de concepción se sitúa entorno a las 10:21:17 a.m., habida cuenta de que su madre le dijo haber nacido entre las 10:15 a.m. y 10:30 a.m., una desviación en un rango de +/- 6 minutos es absolutamente posible.
El seguimiento gráfico es simple. Sabiendo que el Kunda avanza 1 minuto y medio por signo (18/12 = 1.5) debemos observar su avance en la Nava-Navamsa (D-81), deduciendo el ajuste horario en virtud de su vínculo trigonal con la posición de la Luna natal. O lo que es lo mismo, se ubique en un signo del mismo elemento e igual longitud que ésta.
El ajuste horario en la carta natal de ejemplo será el resultado equivalente en tiempo de la diferencia de longitud entre el Kunda y la Luna natal. A continuación presento el Kunda para las 10:15 a.m., hora en que he iniciado la búsqueda, y la 10:21:17 a.m., hora aportada por el método basado en la concepción, a los efectos de que pueda ser apreciado su desplazamiento:
a) Para 10:15:00 a.m.: Asc. en D-81 = 357º50´05,64” x 81 = 28984º37’36.8”
28984º37’36.8” – (360º x 80) = 184º37’36.8” = 04º37’37” de Libra en D-81.
b) Para 10:21:17 a.m.: Asc. en D-81 = 359º05´48,59” x 81 = 29086º50’35.7”
29086º50’35.7” – (360º x 80) = 286º50’35.7” = 16º50’36” de Capricornio en D-81.
El Kunda en Capricornio de la opción “b” evidentemente se encuentra mucho mas cerca de la Luna en Sagitario que el de la opción “a”. Esto indica que para que coincidan ambas longitudes en Sagitario el nacimiento debería ser un poco antes de las 10:21:17 a.m. A continuación debemos hallar el Kunda para la exacta longitud de la Luna en 243º42’ (3º42’ de Sagitario).
Sabiendo que 6 minutos equivalen a 120º de desplazamiento del Kunda podemos, según la siguiente fórmula, arribar al tiempo de ajuste “aproximado” sin mayores inconvenientes:
( ( Long. del Kunda – Long. de la Luna ) x 6 min. ) / 120º
( ( 286º51’ – 243º42’ ) x 6min. ) / 120º
( 43º09’ x 6min. ) / 120º = 2 min. 9 seg.
Hora pre-rectificada “aproximada” = 10:21:17 – 00:02:09 = 10:19:08
Ahora bien, debido a que hay signos de corta y larga ascensión el desplazamiento del Ascendente por cada signo no es constante a lo largo de toda la jornada. Por eso si aspiramos a ser precisos, y no queremos complicarnos con cálculos engorrosos, aunque no se trate mas que de una interpolación lineal, debemos utilizar el módulo de rectificación de un software profesional. La hora pre-rectificada con el programa Jagannatha Hora 7.4 queda en 10:18:37 a.m., con una diferencia en menos de 31 segundos respecto a la obtenida por medio de los cálculos manuales desarrollados in supra.
La carta a la que se arriba finalmente deberá ser puesta a prueba con hechos pretéritos significativos si los hubiera. Abordar eso aquí sería exceder el objetivo de este artículo, con lo cual queda pendiente para otra ocación. No obstante, presento a continuación la carta Shasthyamsa (D-60) en la cual se estudian factores relativos a la manifestación parcial del Sanchita Karma (Karma acumulado) como condicionantes del actual Prarabdha Karma (Karma presente), este último representado simbolicamente en la Rasi Chakra.
Como se puede observar, el Ascendente se ubica en el sub-signo Sagitario gobernado por Júpiter, también regente de la primer casa en Rasi y Navamsa debido a que en ambas coincide con Píscis. En la carta D-60 cada sub-signo equivale a 00°30' como producto de la división de un signo en sesenta partes de igual longitud (30°/60). Cada una de estas partes Parashara en su obra las identifica con una deidad que, en virtud de su naturaleza positiva o negativa, podrá indicar un Karma adverso o auspicioso en lo relativo al tema que indique el factor astrológico en cuestión. En el caso de ejemplo el Ascedente rectificado se ubica en un sub-signo identificado por Parashara como "Deva", lo cual es totalmente consistente con la naturaleza intelectiva, fina y delicada de la nativa. El regente de la casa diez (el Karma) en Shashtyamsa por coincidir con Virgo es Mercurio, encontrándose unido a Júpiter y Venus en Libra, habitando la casa once. Todo ello confirma su actual desembolvimiento como contadora, así como su cualificación para las lenguas extranjeras y los desplazamientos de larga distancia por motivos profesionales, tal como lo pude verificar personalmente al conocerla.
1. La regla conocida en el medioevo como Trutina Hermes es una evolución del principio expuesto por Ptolomeo en el aforismo nº 51 del Centiloquio que dice lo siguiente: “Es Ascendente en la concepción el signo donde está la Luna al tiempo del nacimiento; y el signo donde ha sido encontrada en la concepción, o su opuesto, Ascendente en la infancia”. En el siglo IXX Sepharial ampliaría experimentalmente las posibilidades de esta regla, encontrando su máxima sofisticación en el trabajo de E.H. Bailey, plasmado en su obra “The Prenatal Epoch”, un clásico sobre la materia.
2. Satyanarayana Rao, S. P. Khullar y P. S. Sastri en sus respectivos libros sobre rectificación le dedican un destacado espacio inicial a la carta de concepción como técnica válida para la corrección de hora natal (ver bibliografía).
3. La palabra “Kunda” oculta un significado al cual se puede acceder por medio de un sistema de encriptación, originario de la región de Kerala, en donde al alfabeto se le asignan números a la vez que se los permutan. En este sistema “Ka” y “Nda” se los relaciona respectivamente con los números 1 y 8. Por lo tanto Kunda se traduce como “ochenta y uno”. Esto prueba que el origen de su denominación y, muy probablemente, la creación o descubrimiento del método para rectificar la hora natal proviene del Sur de India, más precisamente de Kerala.
4. Téngase a bien observar como el 1 y el 8 (1 + 8 = 9 = 8 + 1) aquí se encuentran nuevamente presentes, esta vez como tiempo transcurrido. También nueve (1+8) son los meses solilunares del embarazo, conteniendo nueve fases crecientes y nueve menguantes (18 = 9 + 9). El Zodíaco Nirayana (Sidéreo) contiene 3 series de 9 Nakshatras, dando un total de 27 Nakshatras (2 + 7 = 9) a lo largo de los 360° (3 + 6 + 0 = 9) de la eclíptica.
Dr. Bh. Satyanarayana Rao: "The Nadi Rectification, with Tables".
Edición propia, Masulipatam - India.
Maharshi Parasara: "Brihat Parasaras Hora Sastra: Tomo I".
Ranjan Publications, New Delhi - India.
Narasimha Rao: "Vedic Astrology. An Integrated Approach".
Sagar Publications, New Delhi - India.
O. G. Sreenadh: "Birth Time Rectification".
Edición propia, Kerala - India.
Para resolver la problemática de hora natal inexacta la Jyotisha Shastra, mas conocida como Astrología Védica o Hindú, cuenta con una variedad de alternativas, dependiendo de la incertidumbre horaria a salvar y de la cantidad y exactitud de acontecimiento pretéritos para la verificación de la hora natal dada con que se cuente. A continuación expongo una lista de los recursos instrumentales para rectificar la hora natal conocidos y probados por mí hasta la fecha, clasificados de acuerdo a la necesidad de poseer, o no, hechos pretéritos significativos vividos por el nativo con fechas precisas.
Métodos de verificación y/o rectificación que prescinden de hechos pretéritos:
1. Nisheka o Adhana Lagna: Ascendente del momento en que se consuma el coito.
2. Carta de Concepción: Conocida en occidente como Trutina Hermes(1).
3. Pancha Tattva: Basado en la división cualitativa de las 24hs. del día según los elementos.
4. Vighati Lagna: Ascendete especial que correlaciona día, hora y sexo del nativo.
5. Vargachatushtaya: Articulación de Rasi Chakra con armónicas D-9, D-12, D-81 y D-108.
6. Kunda: Armónica D-81, derivado del método denominado Varga Chatushtaya.
7. Sookshma Lagna: Longitud armónica D-972 del Ascendente en relación a la Luna.
8. Pranapada Lagna: Ascendente especial en relación específica al Ascendente natural.
9. Longitud del Sol y Luna en relación al Ascendente.
10. Vargas: Evaluación cualitativa de Ascendente en Vargas (cartas divisionales).
Métodos de verificación y/o rectificación que requieren hechos pretéritos:
1. Dasas: Períodos temporales correlacionados desde el Ascendente y la Luna.
2. Gochara: Tránsitos planetarios en Rasi Chakra (carta natal) y Vargas (cartas divisionales).
3. Direcciones en claves diversas para la verificación de hechos pasados en Rasi Chakra y Vargas.
4. Varshapal: Retornos solares anuales, mensuales y diarios aplicados a hechos pasados.
Aquellos que nos hemos formado inicialmente en el ámbito de la astrología occidental nos sorprende gratamente el hecho de que existan tantos recursos para corregir la hora natal, principalmente para los casos en que no hay sucesos pretéritos conocidos. La práctica habitualmente nos presenta algunos consultantes con serias dificultades para recordar fechas exactas de acontecimientos que hayan significado algo importante en sus vidas. Algunas veces el problema pasa por el hecho de que quien consulta es alguien joven, con lo cual no hay sucesos fuertes o significativos. Esta condición es indispensable para llevar a cabo una rectificación dinámica y direccional. Por eso aquí me centro en dos de los métodos que no requieren tales datos, pudiéndose implementar en una primera etapa, que bien puede ser denominada de pre-rectificación: La carta de Concepción y el método Kunda.
Para ejemplificar el uso de estos dos métodos presento una natividad femenina que integra mi base de datos de consultantes. El nacimiento se produjo el 3 de Marzo del año 1978 en Bahía Blanca, Pcia. de Bs. As. Según el registro asentado en partida de nacimiento el natalicio se produjo a las 10:30 a.m. De acuerdo a lo que le dijo su madre a la nativa, el nacimiento tuvo lugar entre las 10:15 a.m. y las 10:30 a.m. Mi primer impresión ante esto fue pensar que se me había presentado una vez mas el clásico “redondeo administrativo” de la hora natal.
La Rasi Chakra de concepción:
En primer lugar implementé la técnica de rectificación basada en la carta de concepción. Este método que, si bien tiene su origen en la tradición astrológica occidental, fue adoptado por los astrólogos hindúes(2) como válido para ser implementado con la utilización del zodíaco sidéreo. Por otra parte, tanto Parashara como Varahamihira mencionan técnicas de rectificación basadas en la posición de la Luna y/o Ascedente (Adhana Lagna o Nisheka Lagna) pero para el momento del coito. La regla medieval de la carta de concepción establece que la longitud zodiacal de la Luna en el momento de concepción en la natividad es la longitud del grado Ascendente, o su opuesto, y la longitud de la Luna natal el grado Ascendente, o su opuesto, en la concepción.
La búsqueda de la Luna de concepción se lleva a cabo considerando en primer lugar la longitud del grado Ascendente natal, o su opuesto, en principio para 273 días (10 ciclos sidéreos de la Luna x 27,3días) previos al nacimiento, para luego ampliar su búsqueda en mas o en menos diez días, correlacionando una longitud de Ascendente que de cumplimiento a la regla. En este caso obtuve una Luna en 29º06´ de Piscis a menos de dos grados de la longitud del Ascendente natal, con un ascendente de concepción a 3º42´ de Géminis, la exacta longitud opuesta de la Luna natal. Esto sitúa la concepción el día 11 de Junio de 1977, a las 09:03 a.m., aproximadamente 264 días antes del nacimiento. La madre, de alguna manera, confirmó esto diciendo que se trató de un embarazo normal comprendido dentro de los nueve meses. A continuación, si en la carta natal llevamos el Ascendente hasta 29º06´ de Piscis, indicados por la Luna de concepción, la hora de nacimiento a la que se arriba es 10:21:17 a.m. Esto en principio parece darle la razón a la madre de la nativa en lo que a la hora natal se refiere, debido a que queda contenida entre 10:15hs y 10:30hs.
El Kunda:
Textos antiguos auténticos como “Skanda Hora” de Subrahmanya, “Brihath Prajapathyam” dictado por Daksha Prajapathi, “Brihat Sounaka Hora” atribuido al Rishi Sounaka o “Prashna Marga” de Namboodiri, presentan una teoría para la rectificación de la hora natal denominada “Vargachathushtaya” (varga: división, chatur: cuatro, sthana: posición, localización), compuesta por cuatro cartas divisionales. Las cuatro vargas de la tan mentada tétrada son:
a) Navamsa (Asc. x 9) = D-9.
b) Navamsa-Navamsa (Asc. x 81) = D-81.
c) Dwadasamsa (Asc. x 12) = D-12.
d) Navamsa-Dwadasamsa (Asc. x 108) = D-108.
De acuerdo a esta teoría si dos o más de los cuatro Ascendentes obtenidos luego de las multiplicaciones correspondientes se hallan en relación trigonal a la “Luna natal”, muy probablemente, la hora de nacimiento será la correcta. En el tratado “Skanda Hora” esto es presentado de un modo terminante:
“Dridam dwi bahu samvadath sarvam vidhi dwijothama”
“Si dos o mas métodos coinciden el tiempo natal es correcto,
entonces se acepta como hora natal”
Como se advierte el método basado en la multiplicación del Ascendente por 81, denominado aquí Navamsa-Navamsa, no es otro que el mecanismo para obtener el así llamado Kunda(3). Desarrollar la metodología de rectificación por Vargachathushtaya excedería sobremanera este espacio, por ello me centro en el método Kunda que, dicho sea de paso, como se verá es sumamente eficaz.
Para comprender el funcionamiento de este recurso desarrollaré brevemente el aspecto matemático y temporal implícito en el mismo. Al Kunda le lleva aproximadamente 18 minutos(4) completar una revolución completa al zodíaco. Si lo que se trata es de considerar las vinculaciones trigonales del Ascendente ubicado en Nava-Navamsa con relación a la longitud de la Luna natal en Rasi Chakra, pues entonces el arco en tiempo comprendido entre tal posibilidad es de 6 minutos (18/3 = 6). Con lo cual se deduce que para cualquier nacimiento la corrección posible es de +/- 6 minutos. Este período de tiempo es sumamente adecuado para considerar su posible aplicación en la rectificación de hora natal en nacimientos de gemelos y mellizos, ya que la salida del vientre materno suele producirse en torno a este intervalo de tiempo. En el ejemplo presentado la hora natal deducida por medio del estudio de concepción se sitúa entorno a las 10:21:17 a.m., habida cuenta de que su madre le dijo haber nacido entre las 10:15 a.m. y 10:30 a.m., una desviación en un rango de +/- 6 minutos es absolutamente posible.
El seguimiento gráfico es simple. Sabiendo que el Kunda avanza 1 minuto y medio por signo (18/12 = 1.5) debemos observar su avance en la Nava-Navamsa (D-81), deduciendo el ajuste horario en virtud de su vínculo trigonal con la posición de la Luna natal. O lo que es lo mismo, se ubique en un signo del mismo elemento e igual longitud que ésta.
El ajuste horario en la carta natal de ejemplo será el resultado equivalente en tiempo de la diferencia de longitud entre el Kunda y la Luna natal. A continuación presento el Kunda para las 10:15 a.m., hora en que he iniciado la búsqueda, y la 10:21:17 a.m., hora aportada por el método basado en la concepción, a los efectos de que pueda ser apreciado su desplazamiento:
a) Para 10:15:00 a.m.: Asc. en D-81 = 357º50´05,64” x 81 = 28984º37’36.8”
28984º37’36.8” – (360º x 80) = 184º37’36.8” = 04º37’37” de Libra en D-81.
b) Para 10:21:17 a.m.: Asc. en D-81 = 359º05´48,59” x 81 = 29086º50’35.7”
29086º50’35.7” – (360º x 80) = 286º50’35.7” = 16º50’36” de Capricornio en D-81.
El Kunda en Capricornio de la opción “b” evidentemente se encuentra mucho mas cerca de la Luna en Sagitario que el de la opción “a”. Esto indica que para que coincidan ambas longitudes en Sagitario el nacimiento debería ser un poco antes de las 10:21:17 a.m. A continuación debemos hallar el Kunda para la exacta longitud de la Luna en 243º42’ (3º42’ de Sagitario).
Sabiendo que 6 minutos equivalen a 120º de desplazamiento del Kunda podemos, según la siguiente fórmula, arribar al tiempo de ajuste “aproximado” sin mayores inconvenientes:
( ( Long. del Kunda – Long. de la Luna ) x 6 min. ) / 120º
( ( 286º51’ – 243º42’ ) x 6min. ) / 120º
( 43º09’ x 6min. ) / 120º = 2 min. 9 seg.
Hora pre-rectificada “aproximada” = 10:21:17 – 00:02:09 = 10:19:08
Ahora bien, debido a que hay signos de corta y larga ascensión el desplazamiento del Ascendente por cada signo no es constante a lo largo de toda la jornada. Por eso si aspiramos a ser precisos, y no queremos complicarnos con cálculos engorrosos, aunque no se trate mas que de una interpolación lineal, debemos utilizar el módulo de rectificación de un software profesional. La hora pre-rectificada con el programa Jagannatha Hora 7.4 queda en 10:18:37 a.m., con una diferencia en menos de 31 segundos respecto a la obtenida por medio de los cálculos manuales desarrollados in supra.
La carta a la que se arriba finalmente deberá ser puesta a prueba con hechos pretéritos significativos si los hubiera. Abordar eso aquí sería exceder el objetivo de este artículo, con lo cual queda pendiente para otra ocación. No obstante, presento a continuación la carta Shasthyamsa (D-60) en la cual se estudian factores relativos a la manifestación parcial del Sanchita Karma (Karma acumulado) como condicionantes del actual Prarabdha Karma (Karma presente), este último representado simbolicamente en la Rasi Chakra.
Como se puede observar, el Ascendente se ubica en el sub-signo Sagitario gobernado por Júpiter, también regente de la primer casa en Rasi y Navamsa debido a que en ambas coincide con Píscis. En la carta D-60 cada sub-signo equivale a 00°30' como producto de la división de un signo en sesenta partes de igual longitud (30°/60). Cada una de estas partes Parashara en su obra las identifica con una deidad que, en virtud de su naturaleza positiva o negativa, podrá indicar un Karma adverso o auspicioso en lo relativo al tema que indique el factor astrológico en cuestión. En el caso de ejemplo el Ascedente rectificado se ubica en un sub-signo identificado por Parashara como "Deva", lo cual es totalmente consistente con la naturaleza intelectiva, fina y delicada de la nativa. El regente de la casa diez (el Karma) en Shashtyamsa por coincidir con Virgo es Mercurio, encontrándose unido a Júpiter y Venus en Libra, habitando la casa once. Todo ello confirma su actual desembolvimiento como contadora, así como su cualificación para las lenguas extranjeras y los desplazamientos de larga distancia por motivos profesionales, tal como lo pude verificar personalmente al conocerla.
1. La regla conocida en el medioevo como Trutina Hermes es una evolución del principio expuesto por Ptolomeo en el aforismo nº 51 del Centiloquio que dice lo siguiente: “Es Ascendente en la concepción el signo donde está la Luna al tiempo del nacimiento; y el signo donde ha sido encontrada en la concepción, o su opuesto, Ascendente en la infancia”. En el siglo IXX Sepharial ampliaría experimentalmente las posibilidades de esta regla, encontrando su máxima sofisticación en el trabajo de E.H. Bailey, plasmado en su obra “The Prenatal Epoch”, un clásico sobre la materia.
2. Satyanarayana Rao, S. P. Khullar y P. S. Sastri en sus respectivos libros sobre rectificación le dedican un destacado espacio inicial a la carta de concepción como técnica válida para la corrección de hora natal (ver bibliografía).
3. La palabra “Kunda” oculta un significado al cual se puede acceder por medio de un sistema de encriptación, originario de la región de Kerala, en donde al alfabeto se le asignan números a la vez que se los permutan. En este sistema “Ka” y “Nda” se los relaciona respectivamente con los números 1 y 8. Por lo tanto Kunda se traduce como “ochenta y uno”. Esto prueba que el origen de su denominación y, muy probablemente, la creación o descubrimiento del método para rectificar la hora natal proviene del Sur de India, más precisamente de Kerala.
4. Téngase a bien observar como el 1 y el 8 (1 + 8 = 9 = 8 + 1) aquí se encuentran nuevamente presentes, esta vez como tiempo transcurrido. También nueve (1+8) son los meses solilunares del embarazo, conteniendo nueve fases crecientes y nueve menguantes (18 = 9 + 9). El Zodíaco Nirayana (Sidéreo) contiene 3 series de 9 Nakshatras, dando un total de 27 Nakshatras (2 + 7 = 9) a lo largo de los 360° (3 + 6 + 0 = 9) de la eclíptica.
Dr. Bh. Satyanarayana Rao: "The Nadi Rectification, with Tables".
Edición propia, Masulipatam - India.
Maharshi Parasara: "Brihat Parasaras Hora Sastra: Tomo I".
Ranjan Publications, New Delhi - India.
Narasimha Rao: "Vedic Astrology. An Integrated Approach".
Sagar Publications, New Delhi - India.
O. G. Sreenadh: "Birth Time Rectification".
Edición propia, Kerala - India.
Uno de los problemas mas frecuentes que debemos enfrentar en la cotidiana atención astrológica es el desconocimiento de la hora natal del consultante. Lo más común es que la hora indicada en la partida de nacimiento o suministrada por la madre u otro familiar se halle redondeada. En menor medida, pero no en pocos casos, también se presentan natividades donde existe alguna diferencia entre estas fuentes. Los casos mas extremos, auque cueste creer que hoy en día existan, son los de personas que desconocen su hora natal por completo, y ni que decir de aquellos que hasta tienen dudas de su día de nacimiento. Estos últimos, por lo general, son situaciones que se me han presentado con consultantes nacidos en algún pueblo pequeño del interior del país. También se da esta realidad extremas en los nativos dados en adopción de modo clandestino o administrativamente irregular.
En las maternidades de las grandes urbes Argentinas, hacia finales del siglo pasado, afortunadamente se ha dispuesto en el protocolo que han de seguir los médicos obstetras un mayor rigor en el asentamiento de la hora natal “precisa”. Ante esto cabe preguntarse entonces: ¿Qué se entiende por “hora natal precisa”?. A lo que a su vez como astrólogos deberíamos preguntarnos: ¿Cuál es el momento de referencia a considerar para fijar una hora natal “eficaz con fines astrológicos”?.
La hora registrada en planilla por el asistente obstétrico que acompaña a la futura madre en el trabajo de parto, previo a la intervención del obstetra, independientemente se trate de parto natural o cesárea, suele ser el del momento en el cual el bebé asoma la cabeza, o bien cuando ya ha salido por completo. En este sentido, a los efectos de determinar cual ha de ser la circunstancia o hecho que se ha de considerar, en la tradición astrológica hindú a lo largo del tiempo se han plasmado en los tratados clásicos diversos criterios a saber:
1. El momento del primer aliento.
2. El momento del primer llanto.
3. El momento en que la criatura toca la tierra.
4. El momento en que el cordón umbilical es cortado.
5. El momento en que la placenta es cortada y desechada.
6. El momento en que alguna parte del cuerpo del bebé sale del interior de la madre.
7. El momento en que asoma la cabeza.
La lista es larga y podría llegar a ser mas extensa aún dado que existen muchas mas opiniones. De todas estas siete alternativas la que mas me llamó la atención fue la tercera, hasta que supe que en la antigüedad una de las formas mas habituales de parir era en cuclillas. La quinta opción en principio ha de parecernos extraña, pero se la puede comprender teniendo presente que para algunas culturas antiguas la placenta era considerada una “entidad viviente independiente” ligada física y energéticamente al bebé. La sexta opción establece que la parte del cuerpo tomada como referencia para el registro de la hora natal debía corresponderse con el signo regente de ésta que se hallaba ascendiendo en ese momento. Por ejemplo, de acuerdo a este principio, se debería adoptar la hora, minutos y segundos en los que aparecen los brazos si el signo ascendente es Géminis, los pies si se trata del ascenso de Píscis, y así para todos los signos. Respecto a los dos primeros criterios presentados se establece un dilema, ya que puede darse un nacimiento en donde el bebé no llore inmediatamente debido, entre lo mas frecuente, a una doble vuelta de cordón alrededor del cuello. El momento del primer aliento, ciertamente difícil de registrar con exactitud, es lo que se ha considerado como el momento de nacimiento indiscutible por el colectivo astrológico en occidente durante la modernidad. Ahora bien, esto puede darse mientras el recién nacido permanece aún unido físicamente a su madre por medio del cordón umbilical y la placenta, lo cual puede durar en ciertos casos con complicaciones algunos minutos adicionales.
Personalmente me inclino a considerar el momento del corte del cordón umbilical como la instancia de referencia mas adecuada, ya que es en ese preciso instante cuando el bebé se encuentra liberado de la dependencia física de su madre. Pese a que existe una fuerte tradición Tántrica en el Tibet que sostiene al momento del primer aliento como referencia primaria para asentar la hora natal, en India mayoritariamente los Pandit Jyotish en la actualidad adhieren al criterio científico del corte del cordón umbilical como momento en el cual debe ser tomada la hora natal.
Llama la atención, en virtud de todas estas consideraciones expuestas, que ante semejante tema sea tan poco lo tratado sobre la materia por parte de los astrólogos occidentales, habida cuenta de que en definitiva la efectividad de la horoscopía reposa en ese instante primordial, único e irrepetible, denominado Nacimiento.
En las maternidades de las grandes urbes Argentinas, hacia finales del siglo pasado, afortunadamente se ha dispuesto en el protocolo que han de seguir los médicos obstetras un mayor rigor en el asentamiento de la hora natal “precisa”. Ante esto cabe preguntarse entonces: ¿Qué se entiende por “hora natal precisa”?. A lo que a su vez como astrólogos deberíamos preguntarnos: ¿Cuál es el momento de referencia a considerar para fijar una hora natal “eficaz con fines astrológicos”?.
La hora registrada en planilla por el asistente obstétrico que acompaña a la futura madre en el trabajo de parto, previo a la intervención del obstetra, independientemente se trate de parto natural o cesárea, suele ser el del momento en el cual el bebé asoma la cabeza, o bien cuando ya ha salido por completo. En este sentido, a los efectos de determinar cual ha de ser la circunstancia o hecho que se ha de considerar, en la tradición astrológica hindú a lo largo del tiempo se han plasmado en los tratados clásicos diversos criterios a saber:
1. El momento del primer aliento.
2. El momento del primer llanto.
3. El momento en que la criatura toca la tierra.
4. El momento en que el cordón umbilical es cortado.
5. El momento en que la placenta es cortada y desechada.
6. El momento en que alguna parte del cuerpo del bebé sale del interior de la madre.
7. El momento en que asoma la cabeza.
La lista es larga y podría llegar a ser mas extensa aún dado que existen muchas mas opiniones. De todas estas siete alternativas la que mas me llamó la atención fue la tercera, hasta que supe que en la antigüedad una de las formas mas habituales de parir era en cuclillas. La quinta opción en principio ha de parecernos extraña, pero se la puede comprender teniendo presente que para algunas culturas antiguas la placenta era considerada una “entidad viviente independiente” ligada física y energéticamente al bebé. La sexta opción establece que la parte del cuerpo tomada como referencia para el registro de la hora natal debía corresponderse con el signo regente de ésta que se hallaba ascendiendo en ese momento. Por ejemplo, de acuerdo a este principio, se debería adoptar la hora, minutos y segundos en los que aparecen los brazos si el signo ascendente es Géminis, los pies si se trata del ascenso de Píscis, y así para todos los signos. Respecto a los dos primeros criterios presentados se establece un dilema, ya que puede darse un nacimiento en donde el bebé no llore inmediatamente debido, entre lo mas frecuente, a una doble vuelta de cordón alrededor del cuello. El momento del primer aliento, ciertamente difícil de registrar con exactitud, es lo que se ha considerado como el momento de nacimiento indiscutible por el colectivo astrológico en occidente durante la modernidad. Ahora bien, esto puede darse mientras el recién nacido permanece aún unido físicamente a su madre por medio del cordón umbilical y la placenta, lo cual puede durar en ciertos casos con complicaciones algunos minutos adicionales.
Personalmente me inclino a considerar el momento del corte del cordón umbilical como la instancia de referencia mas adecuada, ya que es en ese preciso instante cuando el bebé se encuentra liberado de la dependencia física de su madre. Pese a que existe una fuerte tradición Tántrica en el Tibet que sostiene al momento del primer aliento como referencia primaria para asentar la hora natal, en India mayoritariamente los Pandit Jyotish en la actualidad adhieren al criterio científico del corte del cordón umbilical como momento en el cual debe ser tomada la hora natal.
Llama la atención, en virtud de todas estas consideraciones expuestas, que ante semejante tema sea tan poco lo tratado sobre la materia por parte de los astrólogos occidentales, habida cuenta de que en definitiva la efectividad de la horoscopía reposa en ese instante primordial, único e irrepetible, denominado Nacimiento.
Diariamente vivo: sueños, saberes, viajes, emociones, experiencias, colores, ideas, conversaciones, sentimientos, reflexiones, pasiones, sabores y percepciones. Si la astrología, la psicología, el tarot y la magia que vivo diariamente pueden hacer una diferencia en mí, quizá puedan hacer que mi lector viva su propia fenomenología psíquica, esotérica, y juntas provocar magia.
sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010
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jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
Conocer los elementos primarios de la astrología Esotérica permite estudiar fructiferamente la magia, la alquimia, la mitología y la clave de los mitos sagrados respecto de la gran simbología que el Endoconsciente utiliza como llaves.
Existe una línea que se define como El Ecuador y encontramos seis constelaciones por encima hacia el polo Norte o Artico y seis por debajo del Ecuador hacia el polo Sur o antartico.
La Constelación más al Norte es Cáncer y la que está más al Sur o polo Antartico es Capricornio; estas constituyen los Solsticios.
La constelación que encontramos más al Este es Aries y Más al Oeste Libra; y estas constituyen los Equinocios donde el zodiaco corta el ecuador.
Así, observamos que hay una ruta formando LA GRAN CRUZ CELESTE, formada por las líneas de Equinocios y Solsticios y constituida por cuatro constelaciones así:
Este: Aries, Sur: Capricornio, Occidente: Libra y Norte: Cáncer. Esta cruz simboliza para el esoterista una información muy importante acerca de su evolución espiritual.
Cuando escribimos acerca de Zodiaco podemos decir por lo tanto que es la ruta que siguen los planetas o ASTROS MOVILES a diferentes velocidades.
Una clasificación que se debe tener en la cuenta es el domicilio de los planetas con relación a las constelaciones aunados al concepto diurnos, nocturno y diurnos-nocturnos.
Diurnos: Aries, Tauro, Géminis, Acuario y Piscis con sus planetas regentes respectivamente; Marte, Venus, Mercurio, Saturno y Júpiter.
Nocturnos: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitario y Capricornio y sus planetas regentes Mercurio, Venus, Marte, Júpiter y Saturno respectivamente, es decir, planetas con doble regencia.
Las constelaciones de Cáncer y Leo, tienen solo un regente, La Luna y el Sol respectivamente, es decir estos planetas considerados tienen un solo domicilio.
Hablando de Solsticios, viene uno muy importante que es en el mes de diciembre, es decir, Capricornio, y el 24 de diciembre sucede una gran afluencia de energía para todas las oleadas de vida en nuestro planeta, es muy importante conocer esta situación en todo estudiante sincero de esoterismo.
Existe una línea que se define como El Ecuador y encontramos seis constelaciones por encima hacia el polo Norte o Artico y seis por debajo del Ecuador hacia el polo Sur o antartico.
La Constelación más al Norte es Cáncer y la que está más al Sur o polo Antartico es Capricornio; estas constituyen los Solsticios.
La constelación que encontramos más al Este es Aries y Más al Oeste Libra; y estas constituyen los Equinocios donde el zodiaco corta el ecuador.
Así, observamos que hay una ruta formando LA GRAN CRUZ CELESTE, formada por las líneas de Equinocios y Solsticios y constituida por cuatro constelaciones así:
Este: Aries, Sur: Capricornio, Occidente: Libra y Norte: Cáncer. Esta cruz simboliza para el esoterista una información muy importante acerca de su evolución espiritual.
Cuando escribimos acerca de Zodiaco podemos decir por lo tanto que es la ruta que siguen los planetas o ASTROS MOVILES a diferentes velocidades.
Una clasificación que se debe tener en la cuenta es el domicilio de los planetas con relación a las constelaciones aunados al concepto diurnos, nocturno y diurnos-nocturnos.
Diurnos: Aries, Tauro, Géminis, Acuario y Piscis con sus planetas regentes respectivamente; Marte, Venus, Mercurio, Saturno y Júpiter.
Nocturnos: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitario y Capricornio y sus planetas regentes Mercurio, Venus, Marte, Júpiter y Saturno respectivamente, es decir, planetas con doble regencia.
Las constelaciones de Cáncer y Leo, tienen solo un regente, La Luna y el Sol respectivamente, es decir estos planetas considerados tienen un solo domicilio.
Hablando de Solsticios, viene uno muy importante que es en el mes de diciembre, es decir, Capricornio, y el 24 de diciembre sucede una gran afluencia de energía para todas las oleadas de vida en nuestro planeta, es muy importante conocer esta situación en todo estudiante sincero de esoterismo.
miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010
strology: Your Appearance and Your Health
As we all know, physical appearance is mainly determined by our parents, our grand-parents and our ancestors' physique. It is always amazing for an astrologer to compare the natal chart of a person with his father and his mother's charts. Indeed, his Sun sign or his Ascendant is almost always the same as the parents', along with many other similarities between natal characteristics.
The topic of external appearance is far more enigmatic as that of health which is quite easy to understand by analysing the Ascendant, the luminaries (the Sun and the Moon), the Ascendant ruler, the 6th and 8th houses (accidents or traumas), as well as the 12th House, though the latter gives more indirect and covert clues.
After having read a host of books and analysed thousands of charts, we believe that some circumspection is needed. However, we think that it is interesting to try to provide a few concrete indications which proved accurate quite often.
In this article, we deal with the physical appearance, health, and dietary habits which are associated with the Ascendant or the Sun sign. The reason why we start with the Ascendant is because the Sun sign is more revealing in terms of deep motivation, hidden drive, intellectual and moral resources, and willpower than in terms of vitality and health, although the latter depend on the Sun among other factors.
The following information applies to pure signs. You ought to check your Ascendant, and then look up your Sun sign in order to get a description of your outward appearance which, for obvious reasons, is only an approximation.
For instance, if you are a Taurus with a Scorpio Ascendant, your must FIRSTLY read Scorpio for hints on health, behaviour, and above all, physical appearance and food. And only THEN, you may read Taurus.
Indeed, the Ascendant is much more representative of your physical appearance and your health than your Sun sign in most cases. However, if strongly highlighted planets are gathered in a different sign, the Ascendant's characteristics might be weakened. Let's get back to our Taurus Sun with a Scorpio Ascendant example. If there are 3 or 4 out of 5 personal planets (the Moon through Mars) in Leo, it becomes obvious that you partially take on Leo's characteristics and that your appearance fits more Leo description than that of Scorpio.
In general, the Ascendant often describes half, sometimes two-thirds, of the physical appearance, and the Sun sign, approximately one-third only. As already stated, caution is necessary in this regard.
Although Johnny Hallyday, a famous French Rocker, has a Virgo Ascendant, the features of this sign are not too obvious! In addition to a stellium of planets and the Midheaven in Gemini, he has a beautiful Pluto-Venus conjunction in Leo trine Mars in Aries. These are the reasons why Virgo, which is tenanted only by the collective planet Neptune, is not highlighted. Furthermore, Mercury, ruler of the Ascendant, is also in Gemini, his own sign. As a result, Hallyday's physique is much more a blend of Gemini and Leo, with the strength of a most harmonious Mars in the 8th House, than a representation of Virgo.
Another example which reinforces our urge to be cautious is the chart of Benjamin Castaldi, now a successful French television and radio presenter. He has the Sun in Aries and the Ascendant in Virgo. In his case, Aries features are obviously prevailing in his outward appearance.
We advise that you check the physical characteristics of both your Ascendant and your Sun sign. Even if you do not have your natal chart analysis, these two pieces of information are most likely to provide you with three-thirds of your actual physical portrait. If you perform an experiment on the members of your entourage, you can observe that, from a statistic point of view, the Ascendant is more representative and that the Sun sign comes next. This has a mere statistical value since differences stemming from the natal chart's peculiarities bring about the varied features which are present in all of us, thank God!
The selection criterion of the celebrities quoted as examples is the Ascendant. We took the Sun sign as criterion whenever we deemed that the outward appearance agrees well with the astrological sign typology.
Ascendant in Aries or Sun in Aries
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Aries?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Aries, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Aries people have strong and angular features, with a prominent chin, nose and mouth. They are athletic, of average height and build, with fair or red hair, a protruding arch of the eyebrows, tan complexion, a virile deportment for males, and a dynamic one for females. The whole physique gives an impression of might and ruggedness.
The look is usually gaudy or eccentric, quite often sportive, energetic and unrefined. Red colours are frequent. Indeed, Aries people do not belong to the discreet type!
Example : French TV Host Benjamin Castaldi
French TV host Benjamin Castaldi
Your health is usually good thanks to your great energy and stamina. In spite of your tendency to have accidents and all sorts of incidents due to your intense activity, you are very tough. Your potential weakness is the head, which is ruled by Aries. You may suffer from headaches, migraines, or issues involving the face. Therefore, you must be vigilant in these areas and, for instance, never forget to wear a helmet when you go for a motorbike ride.
Since you use up a great deal of energy, your food must be rich and energy-giving: proteins, meat, rice, pasta, dried fruits, etc. In any case, there are no overweight issues looming on the horizon because everything you gain is burnt in fiery sports activities and a wild life rhythm.
You are usually fond of spices, tex-mex dishes, curry, fried food, and also grilled meat in quite appalling quantities.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: chilli, coriander, raw garlic and onion, ginger, mustard, parsley, and rosemary.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Aries (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Aries (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Taurus or Sun in Taurus
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Taurus?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Taurus, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Taurus people often have a harmonious face, quite thick features with full sensual lips. The face is usually square or oval with a prevailing middle part, and the nose is round-shaped or turned up. The complexion is fair and the hair, thick and shiny. The body is nicely proportioned. The whole physique gives an impression of softness with some degree of strength at the same time.
Taurus people take their look very seriously, and they dress with real flair. Their clothes are always stylish, rather classical, of fine quality and good taste, and meant to last a long time. Their favourite colours are green and brown.
Example : French Olympic judoka champion David Douillet
French Olympic judoka champion David Douillet
Your health is usually good. You are very robust, and during childhood, there are no serious threats. Of course, you must watch your fondness for food which may endanger your waistline as time goes by... and make you gain a few curves. A mild diet once in a while may do you a lot of good, but if you don't like this idea... cultivate your garden and quietly try on a few outdoors activities several times a week.
Since you use up little energy, your food should be neither too rich nor energetic. Your inertia and your appetite may prove really harmful, and it is advisable that you reduce your food intake if possible and indulge in great gastronomic pleasure less often.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: apple, cherry, ginseng, French bean, fish, grape, juniper berry, olive, pear, red currant, rosemary, thyme, and leek.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Taurus (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Taurus (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Gemini or Sun in Gemini
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Gemini?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Gemini, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Gemini people have sparkling eyes and expressive mobile traits which are nice and well-defined. They are of slim build and of average to tall height, with a supple, slender, and nervous musculature. The limbs are often long like those of fashion models.
Their look gives an impression of fineness and swiftness, with a seemingly controlled yet laid-back style. Furthermore, since Mercury is their ruler, Gemini people are real chameleons which adjust to all situations and rapidly correct they appearance according to the context and to their best interests!
Their favourite colours are yellow and silver.
Example : Actress and humorist Michèle Laroque
Actress and humorist Michèle Laroque
Your health is usually frail, but there is no serious concern. You are always overexcited, full of nervousness, and you may suffer from overwork and insomnia. You may also be affected by respiratory troubles such as asthma during your childhood and by infections or flu when you become an adult. In order to avoid them, you ought to practise some daily exercises such as walking in the heart of the countryside. The question is whether you have the time to do so.
There is no weight problem in sight since you are not too interested in simple terrestrial pleasures. Your lack of appetite is not really innate. It is the consequence of the state of constant intellectual stimulation in which you are. You are so wrapped up in the virtual world that you forget your basic physical needs and you often skip a meal, nibbling at anything when you think of it, and when you happen to have a downtime between two frenzied activities.
You need simple, light, and varied foods with many vegetables and mixed salads, and not necessarily a lot of meat since you have no intense physical activity. This all that is required to make you happy.
Dried apricot and banana, dill, hazelnut and walnut, kola, lavender, magnesium, marjoram, parsley, thyme, and green vegetables are excellent for your health.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Gemini (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Gemini (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Cancer or Sun in Cancer
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Cancer?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Cancer, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Cancer people have round-shaped features and tend to become stout when they reach their thirties. The hair is dark and thin or sparse. The nose is small, the eyes stick out, the chin is round, and the complexion, fair. The height is small to average.
Expressions and attitudes suggest softness, dream, astonishment, sometimes naivety. The entire appearance is subtle, reassuring and protective.
Their favourite colours are white and black.
Example : Actor Tom Hanks
Actor Tom Hanks
Your health is usually good, but the lack of physical exercise may prove harmful. Similarly to Taurus people, who are definitely more active than you, there is a danger that, with time, you put on too much weight because you do not practice enough outdoors or sports activity. In addition, your extreme sensitivity and your mood swings may play tricks on you in the long run and cause stomach pains, anguish, and tears. It takes very little to upset you. You ought to learn to remain Zen under all circumstances, for this little effort would enable you to save so much time.
You must start to be careful about what you eat as early as possible since, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure... You tremendously enjoy good dishes in rich gravy, and creamy desserts or ice creams, and therefore, you must be vigilant! Desserts, ice-creams, and chocolate, which you like very much, are typical lunar food.
The potential dangers are gastric ulcer, indigestion, and colitis.
Seaweeds and trace elements against weight gain, as well as sufficient hours of sleep and balanced meals against stress should be enough to avoid problems.
The following foodstuffs and trace element are good for you: banana, basil, cabbage, lavender, linden, magnesium, mango, mushroom, pineapple, strawberry, and watercress.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Cancer (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Cancer (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Leo or Sun in Leo
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Leo?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Leo, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Leo people have strong features, a wide forehead, a thick and fair hair, often blond or red, and a quite large aquiline nose. The proportions are harmonious with a rather tall stature and long legs. The musculature is elegant or very strong. Indeed, two types of personalities may be found in Leo, the Herculean type and the idealistic type. The latter is more moral and spiritual, and the former, practical and much more physical. The general appearance always gives an impression of nobleness, class, pride, and harmony.
The look is of course showy, often enhanced with jewellery and adornments. The clothes are often yellow and orange, Leo's favourite colours, and in any case, they are of the highest quality.
Example : Rock Star Mick Jagger
Rock Star Mick Jagger
Your health is good thanks to your robustness which is above average, but your energy is such that you need to watch out several areas. Leo rules the heart and the backbone, and it is also believed that like Aries, it symbolically rules the sight and the brain. It is certain that the major danger comes from the heart, and that there is a risk of developing a heart condition if you experience situations of severe stress and serious annoyances. Back pains or backbone issues may also affect you if you are not careful, particularly during adolescence, a period when it is recommended that you stand up straight! Regular bodybuilding exercises may be a great help in controlling your overflow of energy and letting off some steam, at times.
Your appetite is legendary, and your constitution does not predispose to obesity. You are able to swallow amazingly big quantities of food, probably in order to replenish the huge energy used up during your sports feats or your thundering fits of anger! You are not a vegetarian, and like a lion, you enjoy eating double or triple servings of grilled meat. However, you must be aware that in the long run, in your fifties, you may suffer from weight problems.
The following foodstuffs and trace element are good for you: fruits and dried fruits such as pineapple, mango, banana, almond, hazelnut, cashew nut, and blackcurrant, black radish, linden, magnesium, hawthorn, and royal jelly.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Leo (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Leo (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Virgo or Sun in Virgo
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Virgo?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Virgo, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Virgo people look serious, discreet, rather preppy and elegant. They usually are persons of good taste and they are reluctant to show off.. The height is from average to tall with a quite slender build, particularly for males. There is no distinctive mark for this sign which loathes being noticed.
As a consequence, their look is neutral. The British chic may be one of their favourite attires. All of green and yellow hues are their favourite colours.
Example : Actress Uma Thurman
Actress Uma Thurman
Your health is good, particularly owing to your constant concern to improve yourself and think before you leap and... eat! You always have in mind the balance of your diet. Furthermore, your innate propensity for moderation constitutes an automatic defence against potential weight gain and aggressions resulting from careless eating patterns which are inappropriate for your lifestyle.
However, since you have a nervous and quite compulsive nature, you keep on analysing everything around you, including your own health. You worry when there is no reason to do so, you grow anxious and become the cause of psychosomatic disorders, the very victim of your excessive mistrust of everything related to your health. You are often a big hypochondriac.
Nevertheless, in the long run, you are one of the signs which are most unlikely to experience health problems thanks to your carefulness. Your potential weak point is the intestines, which are ruled by your sign.
Your appetite is quite moderate, and in some cases, you do not feel hungry at all. You are more intellectual than physical, and nutrition is not your first concern. On the other hand, you are generally picky and demanding regarding the quality and the variety of what you eat. You are prone to digestive troubles and intestinal infections, but you are endowed with innate protection against the dangers of imbalance diet.
You particularly enjoy diet low-fat food such as the Japanese cuisine or the French nouvelle cuisine. You also appreciate natural and healthy dishes served in carefully calculated amount. You are often an expert in dietetics.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: coriander, honey, marjoram, mint, olive oil, orange blossom, parsley, rice, green vegetables, watercress, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, and yoghurt.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Virgo (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Virgo (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Libra or Sun in Libra
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Libra?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Libra, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Libra people are harmonious, with regular, fine, and pleasant facial features in an oval face. Their height is average to tall, of average build. There is a tendency to put on weight during the second part of life. The entire appearance gives an impression of straightforwardness, calm, class, sympathy, charm, and finesse.
Their look is extremely sophisticated and indicates that clothes and adornments are smartly and carefully chosen. Regardless of the style Libra opts for, and whatever the quality of the materials and the choice of colours may be, the end result is inevitably... perfect. Libra's favourite colours are all the hues of blue and red.
Example : Actress and model Laëtitia Casta
Actress and model Laëtitia Casta
Your health is good owing in particular to your constant concern to remain beautiful, young, and attractive. You are prone to weight gain, especially when your romantic relationships are not too fulfilling. However, your need to please is so strong that you quickly take action in order to get back to your so nice, delicate, deeply charming and elegant look.
Your potential weak point is the kidneys and the bladder, which are ruled by your sign. Therefore, food is the main area you need to watch. It is also recommended that you do not get rid of your frustrations by eating chocolate, cakes, hearty dishes, and wines!
Your appetite is quite moderate, but you have a strong taste for parties and pleasure owing to your Venusian nature, since Venus rules Taurus and Libra. As a final result, you eat more often than you reasonably should.
You are particularly fond of delicate dishes, haute cuisine, and especially desserts. Actually, more than food, it is the setting, the decor, and the people with whom you share your meal that mean the most to you.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: artichoke, basil, French bean, cinnamon, date, dried fruits, garlic, linden, marjoram essence, mulberry, onion, raspberry, and rosemary.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Libra (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Libra (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Scorpio or Sun in Scorpio
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Scorpio?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Scorpio, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Scorpio people are quite sturdy and often have wide strong shoulders. In any case, they are well-built and very resistant. The face is square with clear-cut features, penetrating and magnetic eyes, and well-defined sensual lips. The hair is often brown and thick. The general appearance conveys an impression of charm, power, secrecy, and seriousness at the same time.
Scorpio people know their strength as well as their innate capacity for provocation, and they never need to resort to a gaudy look in order to assert themselves. By nature, they are quite secretive and prefer a serious, even sober, look which contrasts all the more strongly with their essence which is sheer concealed power. Their favourite colours are red and black.
Example : Actor Alain Delon
Actor Alain Delon
Your health is very strong. However, owing to your tormented nature your propensity to take risks, you are prone to numerous more or less severe accidents. Besides, Scorpio is in analogy with the 8th House which represents surgical operations. Therefore, there is a possibility that you undergo some small "repairs".
You are particularly resistant, actually, the most resistant sign of the Zodiac with Capricorn, and you always recover remarkably well. The ability to come to life again after a painful fall or an ordeal is one of your best innate qualities. It goes without saying that your life is not a long quiet river...
Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, the sex, the prostate gland, the anus, and the intestines. Potential dangers stem from excesses or carelessness related with sexuality. You ought to ensure that you take the most drastic precautions in order to avoid the worst. Psychosomatic disorders affecting the intestines may constitute another weak point which is all the more active because you refrain from expressing your emotions throughout your life. You may suffer from constipation or other digestive problems.
Your appetite is quite hearty because you are extremely resistant and tough and you need a sufficient amount of replenished energy. You prefer a diet rich in proteins and meat in general, and you should not forget vegetables and fruits which are indispensable to your nutritional balance.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: beetroot, garlic, ginseng, onion, parsley, potato, rice, royal jelly, green vegetables and mixed salads, watercress, and wheat germ.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Scorpio (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Scorpio (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Sagittarius or Sun in Sagittarius
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Sagittarius?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Sagittarius, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Sagittarius people are very strong, tall or very tall in most cases, with full and open features, often smiling lips, and thick hair. They radiate energy and charm. They become stout as they age because over-indulgence of all sorts is the cause of their weight gain when they reach their thirties. Their musculature is not particularly athletic. Sagittarius' general appearance gives an impression of charisma, liveliness, and energy.
Their look is jovial, and their attire is casual but always in line with their generous nature and the context. Indeed, Sagittarius can adjust marvellously well.
Their favourite colours are all the hues of red, orange, and indigo.
Example : Actor Gérard Depardieu
Actor Gérard Depardieu
Your health is very strong. During the first part of your life, your level of energy is very high. You are somehow invulnerable, and you take full advantage of it.
Your ruling planet Jupiter is synonymous with excess. In the long run, you may undergo drawbacks, which are the consequence of your intense lifestyle, in the areas of physical expenditure, sexuality, or food. The danger of becoming overweight is looming despite your activities which fortunately use up a big part of your intake.
Since Sagittarius rules the liver and the thighs, potential dangers come from an excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks or a diet too rich in fat, or... both.
It is strongly recommended that you tackle this issue in order not to suffer from high blood pressure or more severe disorders affecting the liver. It may also be that you experience some problems of sciatica or torn ligament in the thighs.
You have quite a hearty appetite because you are extremely active and you are used to eat consequently, particularly meat, but also dishes with sauce, and culinary specialities such as sauerkraut and cassoulet, a French heavy dish of stewed beans and meat... You are a bon vivant, and banquets are a very pleasant activity during which your appetite and your joviality can blossom unfettered.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: basil, beetroot, celery juice, dandelion, garlic, lime, essence of marjoram and pine, mint, olive, sage, green salad, thyme, and brewer's yeast.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Sagittarius (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Sagittarius (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Capricorn or Sun in Capricorn
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Capricorn?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Capricorn, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Capricorn people are quite slender, bony, and of small to average height. The features are fine and seem cut with a chisel, with deep-set and serious eyes. The general appearance gives an impression of sternness, solidity, deepness, and maturity.
Their look is marked by neutrality, sobriety, and ordinariness. Their concern is practicality and not aesthetics, which they pay no attention to. They often look like a scientist or a philosopher, a scholar or a wise person, and one perfectly understands that their interests always involve long term goals.
Their favourite colours are black and all the hues of gray, green, and brown.
Example : Actress Carole Bouquet
Actress Carole Bouquet
Your health is more resistant than good, but it is enough to keep illnesses at bay and to enable you to live to a ripe old age safe and sound.
You are quite frail, but you have a good and reasonable nature. Therefore, you are most likely to avoid all weight problems and drawbacks caused by an excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks or too rich and fatty food. Actually, the more you age, the healthier you are. You belong to the category which produces the most wonderful elderly people!
Capricorn rules the skin, the bones, and the knees. Potential diseases may be related to joint rheumatisms, temporary paralysis, arthritis, or benign skin conditions.
Your appetite is not too strong because it is not in this area that you find pleasure. Besides, you can hardly take big meals. However, for the sake of your health, you ought to force yourself into eating more, particularly during the first part of your life. In the second part, you are very likely to be more fulfilled and start to enjoy your food. Simple and wholesome dishes may become a source of pleasure, even though it is obvious that you will never be a Gargantua, the legendary giant devised by French Renaissance author François Rabelais.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: anis, avocado, carrot, celery, cheese and dairies, cumin, fennel, linden, marjoram essence, pineapple, raisin, spinach, turnip, and wheat germ.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Capricorn (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Capricorn (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Aquarius or Sun in Aquarius
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Aquarius?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Aquarius, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Aquarius people are often slim and of tall stature. They have regular and pleasant traits, dark and thick hair, and their hairstyle is either sober or unusual. The facial expression is nice with a shade of seriousness. The eyes are sparkling with life and seem to be on the lookout for anything odd. The entire appearance gives an impression of vivacity and originality.
Their look may be either eccentric or serious. In any case, it is always astonishing, and this is precisely what Aquarius people enjoy since it matches their nature.
Their favourite colours are indigo and all hues of dark blue.
Example : Rock Star David Bowie
Rock Star David Bowie
Your health is very good because you are rather slim and mobile and not too interested in food, which constitutes the very frequent cause of many problems.
Your behaviour is quite unusual in this field too. You are able to suddenly change your eating habits on a whim. Indeed, you regularly taste new foreign or exotic cuisines for some time, and then you keep on eating the same food for weeks.
Since Aquarius rules legs and ankles, falls may have severe consequences.
Your mind is in a state of perpetual alert, and therefore, burnout or nervousness problems may affect you. Your nervous system is excessively called upon, and your capacity to ask yourself questions is unreasonably high-strung. As a result, you are prone to neurologic disorders, brain tumour, epilepsy, or just unexplained periods of anguish. Nevertheless, you have every chance to live to a ripe old age in good health.
You do not eat like a horse, far from that, but you can be a perfectly nice guest and do justice to the most renowned tables at some moments of your life. Indeed, your nature is so nonconformist and original that you seem to give your eating habits a cyclic pattern. You shift from cravings for exotic and original dishes from Asia, Scandinavia, Central Europe, etc. to a total lack of interest in them, and then, you eat nearly anything. In this latter case, your meals are simple and light because your interest is definitely elsewhere.
The following foodstuffs and condiments are good for you: fatty fish, fruits and dried fruits such as almond, hazelnut, and nut, linden, liquorice, mint, mixed salads, parsley, sage, sunflower seed, green vegetables, and wheat germ.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Aquarius (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Aquarius (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Pisces or Sun in Pisces
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Pisces?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Pisces, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Pisces people are often plump and of average stature because they are a sign of absolute absence of differentiation. It is the only sign of the Zodiac which can take on many different appearances. The eyes are often large, attractive, quite fixed or slow, and almost hypnotic. The whole physique gives an impression which is somehow misty, mysterious, benevolent and quiet. Actually, Pisces' outward appearance is impossible to classify, similarly to their personality which remains completely elusive!
An attempt to define Pisces' look is a nearly impossible challenge... This is precisely how they can be recognized!
Their favourite colours are all the hues of purple, blue, and green.
Example : Actor, comedian and singer Jacques Dutronc
Actor, comedian and singer Jacques Dutronc
Your health is quite frail because you are sheer sentimentality and your nature is not too physical. You are quite dependent and passive. There is a risk that you do not properly care for your food, and that you swallow anything junk food, which may cause overweight problems in the long run. This advice also holds true for addictions to dangerous substances such as alcohol, or even more noxious and illicit stuffs.
Pisces rules the feet and, in a more symbolic way, the psyche. Potential dangers are located in the feet, which may suffer from rheumatisms or circulatory problems. Sometimes, there is a propensity for anguish and neurosis owing to the total lack of connection with the real world. Moreover, you are particularly sensitive to high and low temperatures, and it is particularly recommended that you take all the necessary precautions in order to avoid colds and bronchitis.
In general, eating disorders, obesity or anorexia, constitute issues which you need to tackle quite early in order to avoid them. You often have a strong appetite. You are fond of hearty dishes, stews, sauces, ice creams, milky desserts, but also seafood and fishes. The contrary would take the biscuit... Actually, you have no limits.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: celery, cucumber, cereals, all sorts of crustacean, and seafood, dandelion, garlic, melon and watermelon, parsley, pear, radish, red fruits, rice, tomato, watercress, and wheat germ.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Pisces (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Pisces (around 3000 people).
As we all know, physical appearance is mainly determined by our parents, our grand-parents and our ancestors' physique. It is always amazing for an astrologer to compare the natal chart of a person with his father and his mother's charts. Indeed, his Sun sign or his Ascendant is almost always the same as the parents', along with many other similarities between natal characteristics.
The topic of external appearance is far more enigmatic as that of health which is quite easy to understand by analysing the Ascendant, the luminaries (the Sun and the Moon), the Ascendant ruler, the 6th and 8th houses (accidents or traumas), as well as the 12th House, though the latter gives more indirect and covert clues.
After having read a host of books and analysed thousands of charts, we believe that some circumspection is needed. However, we think that it is interesting to try to provide a few concrete indications which proved accurate quite often.
In this article, we deal with the physical appearance, health, and dietary habits which are associated with the Ascendant or the Sun sign. The reason why we start with the Ascendant is because the Sun sign is more revealing in terms of deep motivation, hidden drive, intellectual and moral resources, and willpower than in terms of vitality and health, although the latter depend on the Sun among other factors.
The following information applies to pure signs. You ought to check your Ascendant, and then look up your Sun sign in order to get a description of your outward appearance which, for obvious reasons, is only an approximation.
For instance, if you are a Taurus with a Scorpio Ascendant, your must FIRSTLY read Scorpio for hints on health, behaviour, and above all, physical appearance and food. And only THEN, you may read Taurus.
Indeed, the Ascendant is much more representative of your physical appearance and your health than your Sun sign in most cases. However, if strongly highlighted planets are gathered in a different sign, the Ascendant's characteristics might be weakened. Let's get back to our Taurus Sun with a Scorpio Ascendant example. If there are 3 or 4 out of 5 personal planets (the Moon through Mars) in Leo, it becomes obvious that you partially take on Leo's characteristics and that your appearance fits more Leo description than that of Scorpio.
In general, the Ascendant often describes half, sometimes two-thirds, of the physical appearance, and the Sun sign, approximately one-third only. As already stated, caution is necessary in this regard.
Although Johnny Hallyday, a famous French Rocker, has a Virgo Ascendant, the features of this sign are not too obvious! In addition to a stellium of planets and the Midheaven in Gemini, he has a beautiful Pluto-Venus conjunction in Leo trine Mars in Aries. These are the reasons why Virgo, which is tenanted only by the collective planet Neptune, is not highlighted. Furthermore, Mercury, ruler of the Ascendant, is also in Gemini, his own sign. As a result, Hallyday's physique is much more a blend of Gemini and Leo, with the strength of a most harmonious Mars in the 8th House, than a representation of Virgo.
Another example which reinforces our urge to be cautious is the chart of Benjamin Castaldi, now a successful French television and radio presenter. He has the Sun in Aries and the Ascendant in Virgo. In his case, Aries features are obviously prevailing in his outward appearance.
We advise that you check the physical characteristics of both your Ascendant and your Sun sign. Even if you do not have your natal chart analysis, these two pieces of information are most likely to provide you with three-thirds of your actual physical portrait. If you perform an experiment on the members of your entourage, you can observe that, from a statistic point of view, the Ascendant is more representative and that the Sun sign comes next. This has a mere statistical value since differences stemming from the natal chart's peculiarities bring about the varied features which are present in all of us, thank God!
The selection criterion of the celebrities quoted as examples is the Ascendant. We took the Sun sign as criterion whenever we deemed that the outward appearance agrees well with the astrological sign typology.
Ascendant in Aries or Sun in Aries
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Aries?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Aries, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Aries people have strong and angular features, with a prominent chin, nose and mouth. They are athletic, of average height and build, with fair or red hair, a protruding arch of the eyebrows, tan complexion, a virile deportment for males, and a dynamic one for females. The whole physique gives an impression of might and ruggedness.
The look is usually gaudy or eccentric, quite often sportive, energetic and unrefined. Red colours are frequent. Indeed, Aries people do not belong to the discreet type!
Example : French TV Host Benjamin Castaldi
French TV host Benjamin Castaldi
Your health is usually good thanks to your great energy and stamina. In spite of your tendency to have accidents and all sorts of incidents due to your intense activity, you are very tough. Your potential weakness is the head, which is ruled by Aries. You may suffer from headaches, migraines, or issues involving the face. Therefore, you must be vigilant in these areas and, for instance, never forget to wear a helmet when you go for a motorbike ride.
Since you use up a great deal of energy, your food must be rich and energy-giving: proteins, meat, rice, pasta, dried fruits, etc. In any case, there are no overweight issues looming on the horizon because everything you gain is burnt in fiery sports activities and a wild life rhythm.
You are usually fond of spices, tex-mex dishes, curry, fried food, and also grilled meat in quite appalling quantities.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: chilli, coriander, raw garlic and onion, ginger, mustard, parsley, and rosemary.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Aries (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Aries (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Taurus or Sun in Taurus
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Taurus?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Taurus, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Taurus people often have a harmonious face, quite thick features with full sensual lips. The face is usually square or oval with a prevailing middle part, and the nose is round-shaped or turned up. The complexion is fair and the hair, thick and shiny. The body is nicely proportioned. The whole physique gives an impression of softness with some degree of strength at the same time.
Taurus people take their look very seriously, and they dress with real flair. Their clothes are always stylish, rather classical, of fine quality and good taste, and meant to last a long time. Their favourite colours are green and brown.
Example : French Olympic judoka champion David Douillet
French Olympic judoka champion David Douillet
Your health is usually good. You are very robust, and during childhood, there are no serious threats. Of course, you must watch your fondness for food which may endanger your waistline as time goes by... and make you gain a few curves. A mild diet once in a while may do you a lot of good, but if you don't like this idea... cultivate your garden and quietly try on a few outdoors activities several times a week.
Since you use up little energy, your food should be neither too rich nor energetic. Your inertia and your appetite may prove really harmful, and it is advisable that you reduce your food intake if possible and indulge in great gastronomic pleasure less often.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: apple, cherry, ginseng, French bean, fish, grape, juniper berry, olive, pear, red currant, rosemary, thyme, and leek.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Taurus (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Taurus (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Gemini or Sun in Gemini
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Gemini?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Gemini, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Gemini people have sparkling eyes and expressive mobile traits which are nice and well-defined. They are of slim build and of average to tall height, with a supple, slender, and nervous musculature. The limbs are often long like those of fashion models.
Their look gives an impression of fineness and swiftness, with a seemingly controlled yet laid-back style. Furthermore, since Mercury is their ruler, Gemini people are real chameleons which adjust to all situations and rapidly correct they appearance according to the context and to their best interests!
Their favourite colours are yellow and silver.
Example : Actress and humorist Michèle Laroque
Actress and humorist Michèle Laroque
Your health is usually frail, but there is no serious concern. You are always overexcited, full of nervousness, and you may suffer from overwork and insomnia. You may also be affected by respiratory troubles such as asthma during your childhood and by infections or flu when you become an adult. In order to avoid them, you ought to practise some daily exercises such as walking in the heart of the countryside. The question is whether you have the time to do so.
There is no weight problem in sight since you are not too interested in simple terrestrial pleasures. Your lack of appetite is not really innate. It is the consequence of the state of constant intellectual stimulation in which you are. You are so wrapped up in the virtual world that you forget your basic physical needs and you often skip a meal, nibbling at anything when you think of it, and when you happen to have a downtime between two frenzied activities.
You need simple, light, and varied foods with many vegetables and mixed salads, and not necessarily a lot of meat since you have no intense physical activity. This all that is required to make you happy.
Dried apricot and banana, dill, hazelnut and walnut, kola, lavender, magnesium, marjoram, parsley, thyme, and green vegetables are excellent for your health.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Gemini (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Gemini (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Cancer or Sun in Cancer
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Cancer?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Cancer, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Cancer people have round-shaped features and tend to become stout when they reach their thirties. The hair is dark and thin or sparse. The nose is small, the eyes stick out, the chin is round, and the complexion, fair. The height is small to average.
Expressions and attitudes suggest softness, dream, astonishment, sometimes naivety. The entire appearance is subtle, reassuring and protective.
Their favourite colours are white and black.
Example : Actor Tom Hanks
Actor Tom Hanks
Your health is usually good, but the lack of physical exercise may prove harmful. Similarly to Taurus people, who are definitely more active than you, there is a danger that, with time, you put on too much weight because you do not practice enough outdoors or sports activity. In addition, your extreme sensitivity and your mood swings may play tricks on you in the long run and cause stomach pains, anguish, and tears. It takes very little to upset you. You ought to learn to remain Zen under all circumstances, for this little effort would enable you to save so much time.
You must start to be careful about what you eat as early as possible since, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure... You tremendously enjoy good dishes in rich gravy, and creamy desserts or ice creams, and therefore, you must be vigilant! Desserts, ice-creams, and chocolate, which you like very much, are typical lunar food.
The potential dangers are gastric ulcer, indigestion, and colitis.
Seaweeds and trace elements against weight gain, as well as sufficient hours of sleep and balanced meals against stress should be enough to avoid problems.
The following foodstuffs and trace element are good for you: banana, basil, cabbage, lavender, linden, magnesium, mango, mushroom, pineapple, strawberry, and watercress.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Cancer (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Cancer (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Leo or Sun in Leo
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Leo?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Leo, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Leo people have strong features, a wide forehead, a thick and fair hair, often blond or red, and a quite large aquiline nose. The proportions are harmonious with a rather tall stature and long legs. The musculature is elegant or very strong. Indeed, two types of personalities may be found in Leo, the Herculean type and the idealistic type. The latter is more moral and spiritual, and the former, practical and much more physical. The general appearance always gives an impression of nobleness, class, pride, and harmony.
The look is of course showy, often enhanced with jewellery and adornments. The clothes are often yellow and orange, Leo's favourite colours, and in any case, they are of the highest quality.
Example : Rock Star Mick Jagger
Rock Star Mick Jagger
Your health is good thanks to your robustness which is above average, but your energy is such that you need to watch out several areas. Leo rules the heart and the backbone, and it is also believed that like Aries, it symbolically rules the sight and the brain. It is certain that the major danger comes from the heart, and that there is a risk of developing a heart condition if you experience situations of severe stress and serious annoyances. Back pains or backbone issues may also affect you if you are not careful, particularly during adolescence, a period when it is recommended that you stand up straight! Regular bodybuilding exercises may be a great help in controlling your overflow of energy and letting off some steam, at times.
Your appetite is legendary, and your constitution does not predispose to obesity. You are able to swallow amazingly big quantities of food, probably in order to replenish the huge energy used up during your sports feats or your thundering fits of anger! You are not a vegetarian, and like a lion, you enjoy eating double or triple servings of grilled meat. However, you must be aware that in the long run, in your fifties, you may suffer from weight problems.
The following foodstuffs and trace element are good for you: fruits and dried fruits such as pineapple, mango, banana, almond, hazelnut, cashew nut, and blackcurrant, black radish, linden, magnesium, hawthorn, and royal jelly.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Leo (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Leo (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Virgo or Sun in Virgo
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Virgo?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Virgo, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Virgo people look serious, discreet, rather preppy and elegant. They usually are persons of good taste and they are reluctant to show off.. The height is from average to tall with a quite slender build, particularly for males. There is no distinctive mark for this sign which loathes being noticed.
As a consequence, their look is neutral. The British chic may be one of their favourite attires. All of green and yellow hues are their favourite colours.
Example : Actress Uma Thurman
Actress Uma Thurman
Your health is good, particularly owing to your constant concern to improve yourself and think before you leap and... eat! You always have in mind the balance of your diet. Furthermore, your innate propensity for moderation constitutes an automatic defence against potential weight gain and aggressions resulting from careless eating patterns which are inappropriate for your lifestyle.
However, since you have a nervous and quite compulsive nature, you keep on analysing everything around you, including your own health. You worry when there is no reason to do so, you grow anxious and become the cause of psychosomatic disorders, the very victim of your excessive mistrust of everything related to your health. You are often a big hypochondriac.
Nevertheless, in the long run, you are one of the signs which are most unlikely to experience health problems thanks to your carefulness. Your potential weak point is the intestines, which are ruled by your sign.
Your appetite is quite moderate, and in some cases, you do not feel hungry at all. You are more intellectual than physical, and nutrition is not your first concern. On the other hand, you are generally picky and demanding regarding the quality and the variety of what you eat. You are prone to digestive troubles and intestinal infections, but you are endowed with innate protection against the dangers of imbalance diet.
You particularly enjoy diet low-fat food such as the Japanese cuisine or the French nouvelle cuisine. You also appreciate natural and healthy dishes served in carefully calculated amount. You are often an expert in dietetics.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: coriander, honey, marjoram, mint, olive oil, orange blossom, parsley, rice, green vegetables, watercress, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, and yoghurt.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Virgo (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Virgo (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Libra or Sun in Libra
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Libra?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Libra, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Libra people are harmonious, with regular, fine, and pleasant facial features in an oval face. Their height is average to tall, of average build. There is a tendency to put on weight during the second part of life. The entire appearance gives an impression of straightforwardness, calm, class, sympathy, charm, and finesse.
Their look is extremely sophisticated and indicates that clothes and adornments are smartly and carefully chosen. Regardless of the style Libra opts for, and whatever the quality of the materials and the choice of colours may be, the end result is inevitably... perfect. Libra's favourite colours are all the hues of blue and red.
Example : Actress and model Laëtitia Casta
Actress and model Laëtitia Casta
Your health is good owing in particular to your constant concern to remain beautiful, young, and attractive. You are prone to weight gain, especially when your romantic relationships are not too fulfilling. However, your need to please is so strong that you quickly take action in order to get back to your so nice, delicate, deeply charming and elegant look.
Your potential weak point is the kidneys and the bladder, which are ruled by your sign. Therefore, food is the main area you need to watch. It is also recommended that you do not get rid of your frustrations by eating chocolate, cakes, hearty dishes, and wines!
Your appetite is quite moderate, but you have a strong taste for parties and pleasure owing to your Venusian nature, since Venus rules Taurus and Libra. As a final result, you eat more often than you reasonably should.
You are particularly fond of delicate dishes, haute cuisine, and especially desserts. Actually, more than food, it is the setting, the decor, and the people with whom you share your meal that mean the most to you.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: artichoke, basil, French bean, cinnamon, date, dried fruits, garlic, linden, marjoram essence, mulberry, onion, raspberry, and rosemary.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Libra (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Libra (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Scorpio or Sun in Scorpio
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Scorpio?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Scorpio, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Scorpio people are quite sturdy and often have wide strong shoulders. In any case, they are well-built and very resistant. The face is square with clear-cut features, penetrating and magnetic eyes, and well-defined sensual lips. The hair is often brown and thick. The general appearance conveys an impression of charm, power, secrecy, and seriousness at the same time.
Scorpio people know their strength as well as their innate capacity for provocation, and they never need to resort to a gaudy look in order to assert themselves. By nature, they are quite secretive and prefer a serious, even sober, look which contrasts all the more strongly with their essence which is sheer concealed power. Their favourite colours are red and black.
Example : Actor Alain Delon
Actor Alain Delon
Your health is very strong. However, owing to your tormented nature your propensity to take risks, you are prone to numerous more or less severe accidents. Besides, Scorpio is in analogy with the 8th House which represents surgical operations. Therefore, there is a possibility that you undergo some small "repairs".
You are particularly resistant, actually, the most resistant sign of the Zodiac with Capricorn, and you always recover remarkably well. The ability to come to life again after a painful fall or an ordeal is one of your best innate qualities. It goes without saying that your life is not a long quiet river...
Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, the sex, the prostate gland, the anus, and the intestines. Potential dangers stem from excesses or carelessness related with sexuality. You ought to ensure that you take the most drastic precautions in order to avoid the worst. Psychosomatic disorders affecting the intestines may constitute another weak point which is all the more active because you refrain from expressing your emotions throughout your life. You may suffer from constipation or other digestive problems.
Your appetite is quite hearty because you are extremely resistant and tough and you need a sufficient amount of replenished energy. You prefer a diet rich in proteins and meat in general, and you should not forget vegetables and fruits which are indispensable to your nutritional balance.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: beetroot, garlic, ginseng, onion, parsley, potato, rice, royal jelly, green vegetables and mixed salads, watercress, and wheat germ.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Scorpio (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Scorpio (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Sagittarius or Sun in Sagittarius
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Sagittarius?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Sagittarius, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Sagittarius people are very strong, tall or very tall in most cases, with full and open features, often smiling lips, and thick hair. They radiate energy and charm. They become stout as they age because over-indulgence of all sorts is the cause of their weight gain when they reach their thirties. Their musculature is not particularly athletic. Sagittarius' general appearance gives an impression of charisma, liveliness, and energy.
Their look is jovial, and their attire is casual but always in line with their generous nature and the context. Indeed, Sagittarius can adjust marvellously well.
Their favourite colours are all the hues of red, orange, and indigo.
Example : Actor Gérard Depardieu
Actor Gérard Depardieu
Your health is very strong. During the first part of your life, your level of energy is very high. You are somehow invulnerable, and you take full advantage of it.
Your ruling planet Jupiter is synonymous with excess. In the long run, you may undergo drawbacks, which are the consequence of your intense lifestyle, in the areas of physical expenditure, sexuality, or food. The danger of becoming overweight is looming despite your activities which fortunately use up a big part of your intake.
Since Sagittarius rules the liver and the thighs, potential dangers come from an excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks or a diet too rich in fat, or... both.
It is strongly recommended that you tackle this issue in order not to suffer from high blood pressure or more severe disorders affecting the liver. It may also be that you experience some problems of sciatica or torn ligament in the thighs.
You have quite a hearty appetite because you are extremely active and you are used to eat consequently, particularly meat, but also dishes with sauce, and culinary specialities such as sauerkraut and cassoulet, a French heavy dish of stewed beans and meat... You are a bon vivant, and banquets are a very pleasant activity during which your appetite and your joviality can blossom unfettered.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: basil, beetroot, celery juice, dandelion, garlic, lime, essence of marjoram and pine, mint, olive, sage, green salad, thyme, and brewer's yeast.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Sagittarius (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Sagittarius (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Capricorn or Sun in Capricorn
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Capricorn?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Capricorn, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Capricorn people are quite slender, bony, and of small to average height. The features are fine and seem cut with a chisel, with deep-set and serious eyes. The general appearance gives an impression of sternness, solidity, deepness, and maturity.
Their look is marked by neutrality, sobriety, and ordinariness. Their concern is practicality and not aesthetics, which they pay no attention to. They often look like a scientist or a philosopher, a scholar or a wise person, and one perfectly understands that their interests always involve long term goals.
Their favourite colours are black and all the hues of gray, green, and brown.
Example : Actress Carole Bouquet
Actress Carole Bouquet
Your health is more resistant than good, but it is enough to keep illnesses at bay and to enable you to live to a ripe old age safe and sound.
You are quite frail, but you have a good and reasonable nature. Therefore, you are most likely to avoid all weight problems and drawbacks caused by an excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks or too rich and fatty food. Actually, the more you age, the healthier you are. You belong to the category which produces the most wonderful elderly people!
Capricorn rules the skin, the bones, and the knees. Potential diseases may be related to joint rheumatisms, temporary paralysis, arthritis, or benign skin conditions.
Your appetite is not too strong because it is not in this area that you find pleasure. Besides, you can hardly take big meals. However, for the sake of your health, you ought to force yourself into eating more, particularly during the first part of your life. In the second part, you are very likely to be more fulfilled and start to enjoy your food. Simple and wholesome dishes may become a source of pleasure, even though it is obvious that you will never be a Gargantua, the legendary giant devised by French Renaissance author François Rabelais.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: anis, avocado, carrot, celery, cheese and dairies, cumin, fennel, linden, marjoram essence, pineapple, raisin, spinach, turnip, and wheat germ.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Capricorn (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Capricorn (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Aquarius or Sun in Aquarius
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Aquarius?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Aquarius, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Aquarius people are often slim and of tall stature. They have regular and pleasant traits, dark and thick hair, and their hairstyle is either sober or unusual. The facial expression is nice with a shade of seriousness. The eyes are sparkling with life and seem to be on the lookout for anything odd. The entire appearance gives an impression of vivacity and originality.
Their look may be either eccentric or serious. In any case, it is always astonishing, and this is precisely what Aquarius people enjoy since it matches their nature.
Their favourite colours are indigo and all hues of dark blue.
Example : Rock Star David Bowie
Rock Star David Bowie
Your health is very good because you are rather slim and mobile and not too interested in food, which constitutes the very frequent cause of many problems.
Your behaviour is quite unusual in this field too. You are able to suddenly change your eating habits on a whim. Indeed, you regularly taste new foreign or exotic cuisines for some time, and then you keep on eating the same food for weeks.
Since Aquarius rules legs and ankles, falls may have severe consequences.
Your mind is in a state of perpetual alert, and therefore, burnout or nervousness problems may affect you. Your nervous system is excessively called upon, and your capacity to ask yourself questions is unreasonably high-strung. As a result, you are prone to neurologic disorders, brain tumour, epilepsy, or just unexplained periods of anguish. Nevertheless, you have every chance to live to a ripe old age in good health.
You do not eat like a horse, far from that, but you can be a perfectly nice guest and do justice to the most renowned tables at some moments of your life. Indeed, your nature is so nonconformist and original that you seem to give your eating habits a cyclic pattern. You shift from cravings for exotic and original dishes from Asia, Scandinavia, Central Europe, etc. to a total lack of interest in them, and then, you eat nearly anything. In this latter case, your meals are simple and light because your interest is definitely elsewhere.
The following foodstuffs and condiments are good for you: fatty fish, fruits and dried fruits such as almond, hazelnut, and nut, linden, liquorice, mint, mixed salads, parsley, sage, sunflower seed, green vegetables, and wheat germ.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Aquarius (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Aquarius (around 3000 people).
Ascendant in Pisces or Sun in Pisces
Is your Ascendant or your Sun in Pisces?
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Pisces, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Pisces people are often plump and of average stature because they are a sign of absolute absence of differentiation. It is the only sign of the Zodiac which can take on many different appearances. The eyes are often large, attractive, quite fixed or slow, and almost hypnotic. The whole physique gives an impression which is somehow misty, mysterious, benevolent and quiet. Actually, Pisces' outward appearance is impossible to classify, similarly to their personality which remains completely elusive!
An attempt to define Pisces' look is a nearly impossible challenge... This is precisely how they can be recognized!
Their favourite colours are all the hues of purple, blue, and green.
Example : Actor, comedian and singer Jacques Dutronc
Actor, comedian and singer Jacques Dutronc
Your health is quite frail because you are sheer sentimentality and your nature is not too physical. You are quite dependent and passive. There is a risk that you do not properly care for your food, and that you swallow anything junk food, which may cause overweight problems in the long run. This advice also holds true for addictions to dangerous substances such as alcohol, or even more noxious and illicit stuffs.
Pisces rules the feet and, in a more symbolic way, the psyche. Potential dangers are located in the feet, which may suffer from rheumatisms or circulatory problems. Sometimes, there is a propensity for anguish and neurosis owing to the total lack of connection with the real world. Moreover, you are particularly sensitive to high and low temperatures, and it is particularly recommended that you take all the necessary precautions in order to avoid colds and bronchitis.
In general, eating disorders, obesity or anorexia, constitute issues which you need to tackle quite early in order to avoid them. You often have a strong appetite. You are fond of hearty dishes, stews, sauces, ice creams, milky desserts, but also seafood and fishes. The contrary would take the biscuit... Actually, you have no limits.
The following foodstuffs are good for you: celery, cucumber, cereals, all sorts of crustacean, and seafood, dandelion, garlic, melon and watermelon, parsley, pear, radish, red fruits, rice, tomato, watercress, and wheat germ.
Here is a selection of people having the Ascendant in Pisces (around 1500-2000 people).
Here is a selection of people having the Sun in Pisces (around 3000 people).
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