Wesak / Vesak Full Moon – Return of the Buddha
Wednesday April 28 at 12:18 UT
At the Wesak full moon a sacred portal is opened on the Earth for all souls to receive the highest frequencies of light so they may be supported over the coming year through all of their initiations and experiences on their life journey.
The Wesak full moon is the time when a new spiritual cycle begins on the Earth and new waves of energy are received.
A quantum shift takes place through raising the vibration of your energy body and physical body so the true nature of your consciousness can express deeper levels of oneness, or unity consciousness, in support and preparation of a great consciousness shift that will take place within the realms of Mother Earth’s field over the coming years.
This great shift relates to the shifting in consciousness that is a potential for all human beings to manifest through higher self contact or contact with their Divine Presence. The Earth is shifting dimensions and through higher self contact expanding through the embodiment process, each soul on Earth also may have their own vast shift in consciousness through Mother Earth’s grace.
Wesak / Vesak comes from the name of the second month in the Hindu calendar - Vaisakha and is the most holy time in the Buddhist calendar.
According to metaphysical tradition, the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and left Earthly incarnation under the Full Moon of Taurus.
The Wesak Ceremony is the legendary gathering of the spiritual hierarchy in the hallowed Wesak Valley in the Himalayas during the Buddha full moon, which occurs at the time of the Scorpio full moon in Taurus in each year. At this time thousands of people make an annual pilgrimage to the Wesak Valley in Tibet to participate in a ceremony where the Buddha, Christ and the Masters converge to invoke the forces of Shambhalla and bless humanity. It is also when the Buddha (in spirit) comes down to the Earth to initiate the new teachers of spirit and hovers over those gathered radiating light. This cosmic alignment occurs during the eight minutes centred on the moment of the Wesak full moon.
Wesak is celebrated in numerous cultures throughout the world, yet involves no religions or sect.
Taurus Full Moon in Scorpio
Wesak - the Sun in Taurus - Scorpio Full Moon - is the most powerful Full Moon of the year. The Sun's transit through Taurus exalts the Moon and Taurus is ruled by Venus, the spiritual ruler of Earth. Venus is identified with Mary, the World Mother. May, the month of Taurus, is the month of Mary. Venus appears in the west as the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl who brought enlightenment to the Mayans; in the east she is Maya, mother of the Buddha.
The lunar cycle is a wave of creation that comes to fruition when the Moon is full. Each Full Moon brings revelation and possibility for healing body, mind, and soul. The Moon is the Mother whence comes reflected Light of the spiritual Sun to nurture, support, protect, and bring to flower the seeds of creation.
The Full Moon is like a pitcher pouring out a healing elixir. The celestial dispensation continues for three days following the day of the Full Moon. Calm and balance, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, rhythmic music and dancing help for receiving the blessings of heaven.
April 14 ... The Wesak lunar cycle begins and humanity has a trinity of choices to make in regards to commitments.
Lunar Theme: Choosing the Bonds That Tie
April 15-17 ... Three smiling young Moons spring up - April 15 slim Luna, Venus and Mercury put us in contact with the Divine ideas of Aries - April 16 Luna's smile enlivens the Seven Sisters, who have a unique relationship with our solar system, Shambhalla and humanity - April 17 Luna's grin puts a twinkle in the illuminating Bull's eye. Where's Luna the following night? She's nestling twixt the horn tips of Taurus, encouraging us to "choose up".
April 20-24 the Beehive is buzzing and much more. First Quarter Luna joins Mars near the Beehive creating quite a buzz about group endeavour and the "bonds that tie". The Lion's sickle helps us cut through the confusion. We celebrate Gaia with Earth Day and the heavens with National Astronomy Day.
April 24-27 Gibbous Luna fills the Virgin's heavenly Holy Grail with growing Light, first guiding us to a potently energized Saturn, the Lord of Karma and right timing, and then to Spica, the Virgin's hallowed womb. We prepare for the Wesak Full Moon Festival by becoming part of Earth's sacred chalice, the planet's Light Grid, ready to receive the blessings from on High. Tune to perceptive Venus in Taurus for guidance in choosing the bonds that tie. April 28 we walk the razor's edge with Wesak's Full Moon.
April 29-May 1 waning Gibbous Luna and Scorpius bring death and new life.
Wesak / Vesak Full Moon Global Meditation
People Worldwide mentally link up with people of goodwill everywhere, creating a united group channel through which the spiritual forces can become available.
Affirming this channel, "We stand poised united as one soul with our Spiritual Hierarchy." We hold the focus.
This alignment we make with the Spiritual Hierarchy creates a unity between humans in physical form and the Great Ones in Spirit. The Essential Divinity in all is sensed and embodied.
When we have achieved this, we become still ...
We are in the Wesak Valley.
We have come to receive the Buddha.
We are here to continue the work already begun.
The great doorway of Taurus opens ... we rise united to meet the Light ... a golden white light pours through, filling us and bringing us to a place of greater Unity with the Divine.
We sense an opportunity for change, we are asked to re-orient ourselves, to leave the world of duality and illusion and enter a new realm of illumination ... This we willingly do.
Now we see two lights within the Light. The light of the Buddha blends with light of the Christ as they are bringing the Light of Deity to our world.
We behold in our mind a single, perfect jewel. The Divine Light emanating from the Christ finds and joins the jewel in our mind. Suddenly, all is Light. The jewel of Divinity at the centre of our mind is ever more illumined.
The Illumined Mind sees with clarity and reveals the intuition. A new Spiritual aspiration springs up within us.
At this Wesak full moon thousands upon tens of thousands of jewels around the world are united in the Illumined Mind. As more and more minds are so illumined, we see a great sphere of Light surrounding the world ... it grows brighter and brighter. And in response to this Light, Humanity awakens further to participate in the Divine Plan and Purpose.
We rise ... We know ... We serve.
We are the Light ... We are the Way.
Lightworkers joining everywhere on the planet and from on high intone The Great Invocation, and together we say ...
From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love restore the Plan on Earth.
Let LIGHT and LOVE restore the Planet Earth!
So Be It.
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